8086 μP Instruction Set
Data Transfer Group Arithmatic Group Logical Group Control transfer Group Miscellaneous Instruction Group
Data Transfer Group
Movement of data. - Register to Register - Immediate data to Register - Register to Memory - Memory to Register - Immediate data to Memory - Memory location to memory location – for string operation only. - I/O port and Register - Stack and Register RB = (8 bit) Byte Register AL,AH,BL,BH,CL,CH,DL,DH RW = (16 BIT) Word Register AX, BX, CX, DX, SI, DI, BP, SP, IP, CS, DS, SS, ES.
Data 8 – 8 bit data Data 16 – 16 bit data DADDR – Data (operand) address in memory - Specified by any data memory addressing mode. - Register to Register operation MOV RBD, RBS (RBD) ← (RBS) MOV RWD,RWS (RWD) ← (RWS) Note – Data movement between segment Registers are not allowed. Source Destination
- Memory to Register Operation MOV RB, DADDR RB ← (EA) MOV RW, DADDR RW ← (EA)
DADDR i.e. memory address will depend on the addressing mode – Direct Addressing – [addr] Register Indirect – [BP or BX or SI or DI] Base + Index – [BP SI] [BX DI] Register relative - BP SI BX DI - Register Relative BP SI - Base + Index BP SI Register Relative BX DI + + disp or or LIST + disp
- Register to Memory MOV DADDR, RB (EA) ← RB MOV DADDR, RW (EA) ← RW - Immediate data to Register MOV RB, DATA 8 RB ← DATA 8 MOV RW, DATA 16 RW ← DATA 16
- Immediate data to memory MOV DADDR, Data 8 or Data 16 (EA) ← DATA 8 or DATA 16 - Register to Segment Register MOV SR, RW SR may be (CS, DS, SS, ES) SR ←RW Note – Segment Register to segment Register data transfer not allowed. - Segment Register to Register MOV RW, SR RW ← SR
Memory to Segment Register MOV SR, DADDR SR ← (EA) Segment Register to Memory MOV DADDR, SR (EA) ← SR Memory to Accumulator (Direct Addressing) MOV AL, Label AL ← (EA) MOV AX, Label AX ← (EA)
Accumulator to memory (Direct Addressing) MOV Label, AL (EA) ← AL MOV Label, AX (EA) ← AX - Stack operation (16 bit opeartion) – ( uses Stack segment Register for accessing stack) Stack to memory POP DADDR (EA) ← ((SP)) , (SP) ← (SP) + 2 Stack to Register POP RW or SR RW or SR ← ((SP)) , (SP) ← (SP) + 2
(SFR) ← ((SP)), (SP) ← (SP) + 2 Status flag Register. Stack to flag Register POPF (SFR) ← ((SP)), (SP) ← (SP) + 2 Status flag Register. - Register to Stack PUSH RW or SR (SP) ← (SP) – 2 ((SP)) ← RW or SR - Memory to Stack PUSH DADDR (SP) ← (SP) – 2 ((SP)) ← (DADDR) PUSHF ((SP)) ← (SFR) Higher byte Lower byte xx XX - 1 XX - 2
Pointer Operations Load pointer using DS LDS RW, DADDR RW ← (EA) Offset Segment (DS) ← (EA + 2) - Load offset to Register LEA RW, DADDR RW ← (EA) offset of location DADDR xx XX + 1 XX + 2 XX + 3 xx + 3 XX + 2 XX + 1 XX offset Segment
- Load pointer using ES LES RW, DADDR (RW) ← (EA) (ES) ← (EA + 2) xx XX + 1 XX + 2 XX + 3 offset Segment xx + 3 XX + 2 XX + 1 XX offset Segment
String Operations Load string byte or word to Acc String Operations Load string byte or word to Acc. LODSB/LODSW Transfer string element addressed by DS : SI to Acc. (DF) = 0 SI is incremented by 1 for byte operation. SI is incremented by 2 for word operation. (DF) = 1 SI is decremented by 1 for byte operation. SI is decremented by 2 for word operation.
LODSB – Load string byte (AL) ← (DS : SI), (SI) ← (SI) + 1 if (DF) = 0 (SI) ← (SI) – 1 if (DF) = 1 LODSW – Load string word (AX) ← (DS : SI), (SI) ← (SI) + 2 if (DF) = 0 (SI) ← (SI) – 2 if (DF) = 1 LODSD – Load string Doubleword (AX) ← (DS : SI), (SI) ← (SI) + 4 if (DF) = 0 (SI) ← (SI) – 4 if (DF) = 1 DF = 1 Byte Word DF = 0 yy xx
Store string byte or word. STOSB/STOSW stores string byte/word in Acc Store string byte or word. STOSB/STOSW stores string byte/word in Acc. to location at ES : DI. (DF) = 0 DI is incremented by 1 for byte DI is incremented by 2 for word. (DF) = 1 DI is decremented by 1 for byte. DI is decremented by 2 for word. STOSB (ES : DI) ← (AL), (DI) ← (DI) + 1 if (DF) = 0 (DI) ← (DI) – 1 if (DF) = 1 STOSW (ES : DI) ← (AX), (DI) ← (DI) + 2 if (DF) = 0 (DI) ← (DI) – 2 if (DF) = 1
MOVSB/MOVSW – Move string byte or word from one memory location to another memory location. Combination of LODSB/LODSW & STOSB/STOSW Copies data from memory location addressed by DS : SI to location ES : DI. MOVSB (ES : DI) ← (DS : SI), (SI) ← (SI) + 1, (DI) ← (DI + 1) if (DF) = 0 (SI) ← (SI) – 1, (DI) ← (DI) – 1, if (DF) = 1 MOVSW (ES : DI) ← (DS : SI), (SI) ← (SI) + 2, (DI) ← (DI + 2) (SI) ← (SI) – 2, (DI) ← (DI) – 2 if (DF) = 1
Repeat String Operation REP Repeats string operation while (CX) > 0 Repeat String Operation REP Repeats string operation while (CX) > 0. After each string opeartion CX is decremented and Zero Flag is tested. Example- MOV DS, - MOV DI, - MOV ES, - MOV SI, - MOV CX,0010H CLD ;(DF) = 0 REP MOVSB
REPE/REPZ – Repeat equal/ Repeat zero REPE/REPZ – Repeat equal/ Repeat zero. Repeats the execution of string instruction while CX > 0 and Zero Flag is set. CX is decremented and Zero Flag is tested after each string operation. Used with compare string instruction. REPNE/REPNZ – Repeat not equal/Repeat not zero. Repeats the execution of string instruction while CX > 0 and Zero Flag is not set. i.e flag is tested after each string operation. Note – REPE/REPZ and REPNE/REPNZ are used for string comparison.
LAHF – Load register AH with Flags AH = SF ZF ×× AF ×× PF ×× CF SAHF – Store AH Register into flags. Flags affected – SF, ZF, AF, PF, CF XCHG – Exchange contents Register and Register XCHG RB1, RB2 / XCHG RW1, RW2 (RB1) ←→ (RB2) (RW1) ←→ (RW2) Memory and Register XCHG RB, DADDR / XCHG RW, DADDR (RB) ←→ (DADDR) (RW) ←→ (DADDR)
XLAT – Translate Replace the byte in AL with byte from users table, addressed by BX. Original value of AL is index into translate table. MOV BX, OFFSET TABLE MOV AL, 00H XLAT (AL) ← 5 AL [BX+AL] 3 5 (BX) Base of table
Input – Output - IN AL, P8 – Byte operation (AL) ← (P8) - IN AL, DX – port no. In (DX) (AL) ← (P.DX) IN AX, P8 – word opeartion (AL) ← (P8 ), (AH) ← (P8 + 1) IN AX, DX (AL) ← (P.DX), (AH) ← (P.DX + 1) OUT P8 , AL (P8 ) ← (AL) OUT DX, AL (P.DX) ← (AL) OUT P8 , AX (P8) ← (AL), (P8 + 1) ← (AH) OUT DX, AX (P.DX) ← (AL), (P.DX + 1) ← (AH)
Arithmetic Group
ADD, SUB, MUL, DIV of binary numbers (signed/ unsigned). ADD, SUB, MUL, DIV of ASCII or unpacked decimal no. (1 digit per byte). ADD, SUB of packed BCD no. (2 digit per byte). INC, DEC by 1. CMP (Comparision) of two bytes or words. Adjustment operations in case of BCD operations. - Addition – Register to Register ADD RBD, RBS ADD RWD, RWS (RBD) ← (RBD) + (RBS) (RWD) ← (RWD) + (RWS) - Register to memory ADD DADDR, RB ADD DADDR, RW (EA) ← (EA) + (RB) (EA) ← (EA) + (RW)
- Memory to Register ADD RB, DADDR ADD RW, DADDR - Immediate Data to Register ADD RB, Data 8 ADD RW, Data 16 - Immediate Data to Memory ADD DADDR, Data 8 ADD DADDR, Data16 Add with Carry (ADC) - (CF is also added) - Register to Register ADC RBD, RBS ADC RWD, RWS (RBD) ← (RBD) + (RBS) + (CF) (RWD) ← (RWD) + (RBS) + (CF) Same for memory & immediate data ADC opr1 opr2 (opr1) ← (opr1) + (opr2) + (CF)
Subtraction - Register to Register SUB RBD, RBS SUB RWD RWS (RBD) ← (RBD) – (RBS) (RWD) ← (RWD) – (RWS) Same for memory and Immediate data. Subtraction with Borrow SBB opr1, opr2 (opr1) ← (opr2) – (opr2) – (CF) - Register to Register operation SBB RBD, RBS SBB RWD RWS (RBD)←(RBD)–(RBS)–(CF) (RWD)←RWD)–(RWS)– (CF) Same for other addressing modes.
Multiplication Unsigned multyply Signed multiply MUL Src IMUL Src Src may be Register or memory location. If src is byte then- - Other multiplicand in AL - Results in AX If src is word then - Other multiplicand in AX. - Result in DX : AX. MUL RB IMUL RB (AX) ← (AL) × (RB) (AX) ← (AL) × (RB)
Division - MUL RW - IMUL RW (DX) . (AX) ← (AX) × (RW) (DX) (AX) ← (AX) × (RW) - MUL DADDR - IMUL DADDR (AX) ← (AL) × (EA) (AX) ← (AL) × (EA) (DX)(AX) ← (AX)x(EA) (DX)(AX) ← (AX)x(EA) BYTE PTR or WORD PTR is used to differentiate the byte or word operation. Division Unsigned Signed DIV src IDIV src - Src may be Register or memory location. If src = byte value –> AX divided by src. - Quotient in AL. - Reminder in AH.
If src = word then DX : AX is divided by src. - Quotient in AX If src = word then DX : AX is divided by src. - Quotient in AX. - Reminder in DX. - DIV RB - IDIV RB (AX) ← (AX)/(RB) (AX) ← (AX)/(RB) - DIV RW - IDIV RW (DX)(AX) ← (DX)(AX)/(RW) (DX)(AX) ← (DX)(AX)/(RW) - DIV DADDR (For byte) - IDIV DADDR (AX) ← (AX)/(EA) (AX) ← (AX)/(EA) - DIV DADDR (For word) - IDIV DADDR (DX)(AX) ← (DX) (AX)/(EA) (DX)(AX) ← (DX) (AX)/(EA) BYTE PTR or WORD PTR is used to differentiate the operation.
Compare Increment & Decrement - INC RB - DEC RB (RB) ← (RB) + 1 (RB) ← (RB) – 1 - INC RW - DEC RW (RW) ← (RW) + 1 (RW) ← (RW) – 1 - INC DADDR - DEC DADDR (EA) ← (EA)+ 1 (EA) ← (EA) – 1 Use BYTE PTR for byte operation. Use WORD PTR for word operation. Compare CMP dest.src - dest – src is calculated, flags are updated dest, src remains unchanged
Register operation – CMP RBD, RBS CMP RWD, RWS Register to memory – CMP DADDR, RB CMP DADDR, RW Memory to register – CMP RB, DADDR CMP RW, DADDR Immediate data to memory – CMP DADDR, Data 8 CMP DADDR, Data 16 Immediate data to Register – CMP RB, Data 8 CMP RW, Data 16
Compare Strings CMPSB/ CMPSW - Destination string byte subtracted from source string. - Flags updated. - Source string represented by DS : SI. - Destination string represented by ES : DI. - If (DF) = 0 - Auto increment mode (SI) ← (SI) + 1 (DI) ← (DI) + 1 - Byte operation (SI) ← (SI) + 2 (DI) ← (DI) + 2 - Word operation - If (DF) = 1 (SI) ← (SI) - 1 (DI) ← (DI) – 1 (Byte operation ) (SI) ← (SI) - 2 (DI) ← (DI) – 2 (Word operation )
- CMPSB - CMPSW (DS : SI) – (ES : DI) (DS : SI) – (ES : DI) - If (DF) = 0 (SI) ← (SI) + 1 (SI) ← (SI) + 2 (DI) ← (DI) + 1 (DI) ← (DI) + 2 - If (DF) = 1 (SI) ← (SI) - 1 (SI) ← (SI) - 2 (DI) ← (DI) - 1 (DI) ← (DI) - 2
Scan String - Compares the value of string byte or word defined by ES:DI from ACC. - Flags Set - DI incremented or decremented depending on (DF) and byte/word operation. - SCASB - SCASW (AL) – (ES:DI) (AX) – (ES:DI) - If (DF) = 0 (DI) ← (DI) + 1 (DI) ← (DI) + 2 - If (DF) = 1 (DI) ← (DI) - 1 (DI) ← (DI) - 2
Conversion from one form to other - Byte to word - CBW (AL) converted to (AX) – Sign extended. - Word operation - CWD (AX) converted to (DX:AX) – Sign extended. BCD and ASCII Arithmetic - Normal arithmetic instructions used for BCD number and ASCII numbers (30H to 39H for 0 to 9). - For cash Register applications – Now out dated. - 8086 provides instructions to adjust the result back to BCD or ASCII. - BCD adjustment instruction – BCD number in AL is packed BCD format.
DAA – Decimal Adjust After Addition Used after ADD or ADC instruction to adjust the result back into packed BCD format. MOV AL,24H (24H is BCD no.) ADD AL,28H - Result = 4CH DAA - Converts it into 52H DAS – Decimal Adjust After Subtraction Used after SUB or SBB instruction to adjust result back to BCD (packed format). MOV AL, 91H SUB AL, 56H ; Result = 3BH DAS ; Converts into 35H
ASCII Adjustment Instruction ASCII coded numbers - 30H for 0 to 39H for 9. Instructions use Register AX for source and destination. AAA – ASCII Adjustment After Addition Used after ADD or ADC to adjust result back in (AX) MOV AX, 39H ; ASCII code for 9 ADD AL, 35H ; ASCII code for 5 ; Result = 6EH AAA - Adjust result as 0104H in AX ADD AX, 3030H ; Result in ASCII ; 3134H is AH – 31H ; ASCII code for 1 AL – 34H ; ASCII code for 4
ASCII Adjustment Before Division - Appears before division. - AX Register has two digit unpacked BCD number (not ASCII) - After adjusting the AX Register with AAD, it is divided by an unpacked BCD number to generate a single digit result in AL. Reminder in AH. AAD basically converts unpacked BCD number in AX into binary number. MOV AX,0305H ; unpacked BCD number 35 decimal AAD MOV CL,5 DIV CL ; Result will be 7 in AL. AH will be zero
AAM - ASCII adjust after multiplication - Used after multiplication of two one digit unpacked BCD numbers. MOV AL, 9 ; BCD for 9 MOV DL, 5 ; BCD for 5 MUL DL ; Result = 2DH AAM ; Converts into 0405H in AX i.e 45 in unpacked BCD format. AAS – ASCII adjust after subtraction - Adjust AX Register after subtraction. - If 31H (i.e 1) is subtracted from 35H , the result if for. No correction is required . AAS will not modify AH or AL. If 38H is subtracted from 37H, then result will be 01 in binary. AAS will modify the content as follows - AL = 09 No. In AH decremented by 1 i.e 29 in BCD unpacked format.
Logical Instructions
AND OR XOR, dest, src (dest) ← (dest.) opr. (source) Register to Register – AND RBD, RBS/ AND RWD, RWS (RBD) ← (RBD). AND. (RBS) Register to Memory – OR DADDR, RB/ OR DADDR, RW (EA) ← (EA) .OR. (RB) Memory to Register – XOR RB, DADDR/ XOR RW, DADDR (RB) ← (RB) .XOR. (EA) Immediate Data to Register – AND RB,Data8/ AND RW,Data16 (RB) ← (RB) AND Data 8 Immediate Data to Memory– OR DADDR, Data8, OR DADDR, Data 16 (EA) ← (EA) OR Data 8 / Data 16
Test dest, src - Performs (dest) AND (src) logical AND of two operands Test dest, src - Performs (dest) AND (src) logical AND of two operands. - Flags are updated. - Result is not saved. Register and Register Operation TEST RBD, RBS TEST RWD, RWS (RBD) .AND. (RBS) Register and Memory TEST DADDR, RB TEST DADDR, RW (EA) . AND. (RB) Register and Immediate Data TEST RB, Data 8 TEST RW, Data 16 (RB) .AND. Data 8
Memory and Immediate Data TEST DADDR, Data 8 TEST DADDR, Data 16 (EA) Memory and Immediate Data TEST DADDR, Data 8 TEST DADDR, Data 16 (EA) .AND. Data8 NOT dest - compliment (Logical NOT) - Inverts the bits of destination. Register operand – NOT RB NOT RW (RB) ← NOT (RB) Memory operand – NOT DADDR (EA) ← NOT (EA) NEG dest – 2’s compliment - Subtracts the destination from 0. - Saves result in destination.
Register operand – NEG RB NEG RW (RB) ← NOT (RB) + 1 Memory operand – NEG DADDR (EA) ← NOT (EA) + 1
Shift/ Rotate Instructions
- RCL dest, count – Rotate through carry Left the count number of bits - RCL dest, count – Rotate through carry Left the count number of bits. - Rotate the bits in the destination to the left ‘count’ times through carry flag. - Carry flag holds the last bit rotated out. - Count may be 1 or content of CL Register (i.e either N = 1 or N = CL) RCL RB/RW, N RCL DADDR, N CF 7 15 8 OR
RCR, dest, count - Similar to RCL but right direction rotation RCR, dest, count - Similar to RCL but right direction rotation. RCR RB/RW, N RCR DADDR, N ROL, dest, count - Rotate left - Rotation not through carry bit, but from MSB to LSB. - Last bit rotated is saved in CF. - Rest same as RCL or RCR. ROL RB/RW, N ROL DADDR, N CF 7 15 8 OR
ROR dest, count - Rotate right - Similar to ROL but right direction rotation. SAL/SHL dest, count – Shift Arithmetic Left/ Shift Logical Left - Shifts left the destination by ‘count’bits. - Zeros are shifted from right i.e LSB. - CF contains the last bit shifted out. - Count = 1 or CL Register content. CF 7 15 8 OR
SAL/SHL DADDR, N SAL/SHL RB/RW, N (count = 1 or CL reg SAL/SHL DADDR, N SAL/SHL RB/RW, N (count = 1 or CL reg.) SAR dest,count – Shift Arithmetic Right - Shifts the destination right by count bits. - The sign bit is replicated in the left most bit. - CF contains the last bit shifted out. SAR DADDR SAR RB/RW CF 7 OR 15 8
SHR dest, count – Shift logical right - Shifts right the destination by count bits. - Zeros are shifted from left i.e MSB. - CF contains the last bit shifted put. SHR RB/RW, N SHR DADDR, N OR CF 15 8 7
Control Transfer Group
- Unconditional Jump - Conditional Jump - Subroutine Call - Return Unconditional Jump Direct jump Intra – segment jump JMP Label 2 byte instruction 3 byte 5 byte Short jump +127 to -128 Near jump ± 32K Far jump ! Inter-segment jump Jump to another code segment 2 bytes in instruction for new IP and 2 bytes for CS. Relative jump in the same segment
JMP SHORT LABEL1 JMP FAR PTR LABEL3 JMP NEAR LABEL2 OR OR LABEL3 LABEL FAR LABEL1 LABEL SHORT JMP LABEL3 JMP LABEL1 LABEL2 LABEL NEAR JMP LABEL2 - Assembler automatically adjusts the instruction as 2 byte, 3 byte or 5 byte depending on Short, Near or Far directive. - Assembler will find out new code segment base address in case of Far label and place in 2 bytes of instruction.
Indirect Jump - Using Register – JMP RW (IP) ← (RW) - Jump to memory location where address is contained in RW. This may be used to jump to location whose address is stored in a table. Example – .Data JMP – TAB DW Label1 DW Label2 DW Label3 .Code MOV SI, OFFSET JMP – TAB ; To jump to Label1 LEA SI JMP-TAB
MOV BX, [SI] JMP BX ; To jump to Label3 MOV BX, 04 ADD SI, BX MOV BX, [SI] JMP BX - If we use JMP [SI] then SI contain the Address in data segment that contains. Offset address for jump location. It is Indirect – Indirect or double indirect jump. Label 1 : Label 2 : Label 3 : Alternative JMP [SI] Alternative ADD SI,04 JMP [SI]
- Using Index May use TABLE [Index] to directly access the jump table - Using Index May use TABLE [Index] to directly access the jump table. Jump table may contain - 16 bit offset address. (IP) ← offset address or - 16 bit offset address & 16 bit CS address. (IP) ← 16 bit offset (CS) ← 16 bit CS address JMP TABLE[SI] may be used & Table must be declared with DD- double word or JMP FAR PTR[SI] may be used with Table DW ----
Example 1. Data TABLE DW L1, L2, L3, L4 Example 1. .Data TABLE DW L1, L2, L3, L4 .CODE LEA BX, TABLE MOV BX OFFSET TABLE MOV SI, 04H ; Table contains 2 bytes for each label. JMP TABLE[SI] ; Jump to L3 JMP [BX+SI] L1 : L2 : L3 : L4 :
Conditional Jump J<cond.> Label Short jump i.e upto – 128 to +127 byte from current instruction - Conditional jump occurs after arithmetic, logic or compare instruction. cond. – determined by status flags. IF <cond.> = True then (IP) ← (IP) + disp.8 else continue. In the mnemonics Above, Equal or Below are used for unsigned numbers. Greater, Less or Equal are used for signed numbers. As good programming practice one must organise codes so that expected case is executed without a jump since actual jump takes larger to execute.
Conditional jump instructions.
X1 DB - MOV AL,DL CMP AL, 38H CMP DL, X1 CMP DL,CL AND AL, CL SUB AL, 75H KK1 128 Bytes JCXZ Label – Jump if CX = 0. - CX is used as counter Register. J <con.> KK1 127 bytes KK1 :
LOOP Instructions - In 8051 → MOV RX, #count KK DJNZ RX, KK executes the loop count times. In 8086 - MOV CX, count KK: DEC CX JNZ KK 8086 provides 3 instructions for looping. - basically 3 different versions of DJNZ instruction of 8051. - LOOP Label - Decrement CX by 1 branch to label if CX in not zero. Executes the loop count times.
LOOPE KK ; LOOP will execute till AL = DL and CX ≠ 0. LOOPE/LOOPZ Label Decrements CX by 1 (without modifying the flag). Branches to label if zero flag is set and CX ≠ 0. MOV CX, - KK : CMP AL, DL LOOPE KK ; LOOP will execute till AL = DL and CX ≠ 0. i.e. (CX) ← (CX) – 1 If [(CX) ≠ 0 and (ZF) = 1] then (IP) ← (IP) + disp 8 Do – while Loop
LOOPNZ/ LOOPNE Label Decrement CX by 1 (without modifying the flags). Branches to label if zero flag is clear (i.e Not Set) and CX ≠ 0. i.e. (CX) ← (CX) – 1 If [(CX) ≠ 0 and (ZF) = 0] Then ← (IP) + disp8 MOV CX KK1 : CMP AL, DL LOOPNZ KK1 Loop will execute if (CX) ≠ 0 and AL ≠ DL. Repeat Until Loop
Procedure Call and Return
Format of procedure in 8086. CALL P_NAME ① Return address is saved in stack. Program branches to P_NAME. ② Return address is retrieved from stack. Program branches to main program. V ① P_NAME PROC FAR/NEAR I RET P_NAME ENDP V ②
P_NAME PROC NEAR Intra segment procedure. CALL P_NAME Saves offset address i.e IP content (16 bit) in stack. Offset address of P_NAME loaded to IP. P_NAME should be ± 32K displacement from CALL P_NAME. P_NAME PROC FAR Inter segment procedure. - P_NAME can be any where in memory CALL P_NAME Saves CS content (16 bit) and offset address i.e IP content (16 bit) in stack. CS followed by IP CS (16 bit) and offset address (16 bit) of P_NAME loaded to CS Register and IP respectively..
If a procedure is declared FAR then assembler automatically stores CS content along with IP content in stack. It also loads CS content and IP content of procedure while branching. Indirect call – Call with Indirect memory address. CALL DADDR The address of procedure is saved in the address DADDR. For Near procedure IP content. For Far procedure IP and CS content. - Programmer to load the procedure address in memory. - Like Table jump, Table-Call is also posible. Indirect call through Register Like JMP, Call may also be possible using Register. The offset address of procedore is stored in one of the Register. CALL RW will indirectly branch to procedure.
MOV SI,offset P_NAME P_NAME PROC NEAR LEA SI, P_NAME RET CALL SI P_NAME ENDP Return from procedure - For RET in Near procedure -16 bit data popped from stack and placed in IP, for returning to main program. - For RET in Far procedure - 32 bit data popped from stack and stored in IP (16 bit) and CS (16 bit) for returning to main program. IP followed by CS since stack is LIFO.
Miscellaneous Instructions CLC – Clear carry flag CMC – Complement Carry STC – Sets Carry Flag CLD – Clear Direction Flag STD – Set Direction Flag CLI – Clear Interrupt Flag (Disable Interrupt) STI – Set Interrupt Flag (Enable Interrupt) FALC – Fills AL with carry If (CF) = 0, (AL) = 0 (CF) = 1, (AL) = FFH HLT – Halt CPU till RESET is activated. NOP – No Operation
INT num. – Initiates a software Interrupt by - Pushing flags, CS &IP INT num. – Initiates a software Interrupt by - Pushing flags, CS &IP. - Clearing TRAP and Interrupt flags. - Loading CS & IP from interrupt vector table based on ‘num’value. - Execution begins at new CS : IP. Execution like CALL instruction INTO – Interrupt on overflow If overflow flag is set, the instruction causes interrupt INT 4 to occur. INT 3 – Single byte interrupt IRET – Return from Interrupt (Single byte) Last instruction of ISR.
Assembly Program Format
.Model – Defines assembly memory model. TINY – 64 byte single memory segment. SMALL – Two segment model. Single data segment Single code segment DOS.EXE files are generated Origin at 0000H. FLAT – Single segment of upto 4 Gbytes in length .MODEl SMALL . STACK . DATA - Contents and memory space for variables defined.
Starting address of data segment to be stored in DS Register. X1 DB – X2 DW – To declare array of 10 numbers. X3 DB 1,2,7,9, ---------- To declare array location X4 DB 20 DUP(0) .CODE Executeable instructions are put here MOV AX, @DATA MOV DS, AX Note – The above is MASM convention. CS Register is automatically loaded with starting address of code segment with .CODE statement. - Other executable statements. MOV AH, 4CH INT 21H END Starting address of data segment to be stored in DS Register. DOS function call to end the program normally.
DOS Function Calls Used to access (read – write) from I/O) devices in the program in interactive fashion. Store function no. in AH Register and other data in Register identified. Execute INT 21H instruction (interrupt call at 21H) to perform the task. Some important function calls used Read ASCII character from keyboard. Function call no – 01H MOV AH, 01H INT 21H The ASCII code of keyboard key pressed is transfered to AL Register. This function call automatically echos, whatever is typed to the VDU.
Write to standrad output device (VDU) Function call no – 02H The ASCII code of character to be written is stored in DL Register. MOV DL, XXH MOV AH, 02H INT 21H The XXH is ASCII code of character to be displayed. The character will be displayed after INT 21H is executed. Display Character String Function Call no. – 09H
– The character string must end with ASCII .’$’. (24H). The character string may be of any length and may be include LF & CR also as character. LF = 10 (Decimal) CR = 13 (Decimal) The address of character string is stored in DS : DX. LEA DX, MES MOV AH, 09H INT 21H MES : DB “My name is Kant $” My name is Kant is displayed on VDU. End the program Function call no – 4CH Must occur immediately before ‘End’statement. MOV DX, OFFSET MES
MOV AH, 4CH INT 21H END – Program ends normally. Read System Date Function call No – 2AH MOV AH, 2AH Following will be Register contents. AL = Day of the week DH = Month DL = Day of month CX = Year
Read System Time Function call No – 2CH MOV AH, 2CH INT 21H Following will be Register contents CH = Hours CL = Minutes DH = Seconds DL = Hundredth of second
Memory Addressing options - Direct Addressing – [addr] ,, → N1 – var. Name - Register Indirect – [BX or BP or SI or DI] - Base + Index - BP SI BX DI [ ] [ ] - Register Relative - BP SI ,, → LIST BP SI - Base + Index + Register Relative - BP SI ,, → LIST BP SI + + disp or DADDR
REP – Repeat String Operation REP – Repeats string operation while (CX) > 0 - After each string operation CX is decremented and zero flag is checked. Example – MOV DS, - MOV ES, - MOV DI, - MOV SI, - MOV CX, 0010H for (16 bytes) CLD -(DF ← 0) REP MOVSB → String has been moved from DS : SI to ES : DI