Presented by Mr. Afram
The story is set in the mid- 1800s in Italy. While the town is never named, the town has a dark, romantic, and old-fashioned quality
The story occurs at the time of carnival, or Carnivale. Traditionally, Carnivale is celebrated 40 days before Easter. (The 40-day period before Easter is called Lent.) Since Christians often fast or impose dietary restrictions during Lent, Carnivale is a type of last-minute party. In Italy, Carnivale is celebrated with parties, dancing, and the wearing of costumes and masks.
Part of the story is set in catacombs, or underground tombs. The narrator’s family, the Montresors, are buried in these underground tombs. Poe says that these catacombs are encrusted with mineral deposits called “nitre,” or potassium nitrate.
Amontillado: a unique type of sherry; it was popularized in Poe’s short story
Motley: traditional costume of a court jester; the fabric is often in a patchwork pattern of red, green, and blue. poor horse!
Montresor motto (in Latin): Nemo me impune lacessit Meaning: “No one attacks with impunity” Hint: “Impunity” means freedom from punishment What does the motto really mean?
Palazzo: an Italian word for palace or great building Roquelaire: a long, knee- length coat
Gothic: a literary genre that has frightening events occurring in mysterious places Point of View: position from which something is evaluated; perspective
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