Peer evaluation Using your peer evaluation sheet, go around the room and evaluate six projects Do not look at the names; just write down the numbers Be a fair judge; use the rubric Rude and overly critical comments will result in a detention
Sculpture Gallery Walk Number #1-12 in your notebook and title this “Sculpture Gallery Walk” Working in groups of three, you will be creating sculptures of the Texas Republic Geoterms using your clay You will be given minutes to complete your sculpture and 10 minutes to complete the gallery walk Remember use the clap appropriately and do not touch the sculptures during the walk. You will receive a detention if you are caught messing with the sculpture.
Sculpture Gallery Walk Get into a group of 3; if you do not join a group one will be assigned to you. Make sure at least one person in your group has the Texas Republic Geoterms. Once you are in your group and have your geoterms ready, come see me to receive your clay.
Sculpture words Annexation Fiesta Archives Revenue Tariff Manifest Destiny Subsistence crops Cede Immigrant Agents Cabinet