US Army Corps of Engineers BUILDING STRONG ® Greg Mellema Hydropower Master Plan (HMP) Operations Division Omaha District 08 Dec 2015
BUILDING STRONG ® Purpose: Develop a strategic master plan that will guide future programming and funding for all hydropower sustainment, rehabilitation, and modernization requirements in a way that provides predictable funding and maximizes efficiencies to ensure that long-term resilience and reliability of this critical National infrastructure. End State: Omaha District hydro-power infrastructure is rehabilitated and modernized no later than CY2035 in order to maximize resilience and provide renewable, reliable energy production to the Nation for an additional 50 years. Commander’s Intent 2
BUILDING STRONG ® 3 HMP SCOPE Definition: This project will create a master plan for Missouri River Hydropower plants capital improvement program. Justification: WSPC is interested in funding capital improvements to maintain reliability at USACE run hydropower plants. A master plan will guide the long range sustainable development of USACE facilities by providing a coordinated framework to plan, program, and execute project that fully support the district and division mission.
BUILDING STRONG ® Task 1: Data Gathering & Preparation Task 2: Division Kick-Off Briefing-20 Nov/Portland Task 3: 30-60% Submittal-26 Apr/Denver Task 4: 90% Submittal-21 Jun/Wyoming Task 5: 100% Submittal 4 HMP Schedule
BUILDING STRONG ® Commander’s Cover Letter Introduction ► Purpose & Scope ► District Profile ► Goals & Objectives Existing Infrastructure Conditions, Constraints, Opportunities Future Development Plan ► Power plant development plan ► Plan Implementation – Project List & phasing strategy ► Plan Alternatives Document Framework 6
BUILDING STRONG ® Hydropower Master Plan DRAFT Development Goals PLAN- Develop a comprehensive, feasible, and efficient master plan. PROGRAM – Program and secure predictable funding for sustainment, rehabilitation, and modernization of power plant infrastructure IAW master planning framework. PRIORITIZE – Set and adjust priorities of work through risk-informed decisions and communication. EXECUTE- Complete all programmed and funded work IAW established contracts and agreements. These goals form the foundation for our deliberate planning process… 5
BUILDING STRONG ® Operation Project Manager Input LocationHMP Recommendations Big Bend (K. Fink) Last 10 years we have removed low hanging fruit Foresee bigger projects, prior there was no available funding Fear, decisions going away from OPMs Don’t peanut butter spread $$$, highest need first OD walk through plant identifying future requirements Fort Randall (T. Curran) Utilize 60 years worth of data to D-B replacement components How to get more energy with the given water Plan needs to comprehensive without regards to funding stream Risk Management what data is need to determine risk? P3, not a good idea Oahe (E. Stasch) Biggest issue, regulations and trying to meet perfection is not possible Plan needs to be overarching 30K ft view of requirements rather than project specific Need to keep commonality between projects Needs to be useful format, rather than 3” thick Take in consideration future security requirements
BUILDING STRONG ® District Profile 9 FacilityNo. of Units Nameplate Capacity (MW) Percent of NWO Capacity No. of Unit Starts Net Generation (MWh) Total Availability Scheduled Outages Forced Outages Outage Factor Big Bend %2,121888, %4.6%1.0% 5.7% Fort Peck %91764, %4.8%0.3% 5.1% Fort Randall %591,647, %9.3%0.5% 9.7% Garrison %62,357, %2.2%0.0% 2.2% Gavins Point %20639, %24.6%0.2%.24.8% Oahe %302,377, %10.2%0.1% 10.3% Total %2,3278,674, % 8.1%0.4% 8.4% Summary of District & Power Plant’s location context, history, capacity, average generation, cost of production, performance
BUILDING STRONG ® Systems Components Sections Utilize legacy systems FEM, HMI & hydroAMP system for data Discuss lifecycle, existing conditions, productivity Informs risk-based approach to decision-making Existing Infrastructure Conditions, Constraints, & Opportunities SystemCondition Rating Interiors Power Generation Power Transmission Services Shell Power Generation Components Condition Rating AC Distribution Control Instrumentation Compressed Air System Generator Power Intake/Outlet works Switchgear System Protection Turbines Water System Generator Sections Condition Rating Bearings Exciter Rotor Stator
BUILDING STRONG ® Power Train Equipment Condition Overview of District 11 District Wide Power Generation Component’s Condition Plant/Component AC Distribution Control Instrumentation Compressed Air System Generator Power Intake/Outlet works Switchgear System Protection TurbinesWater System Big Bend Fort Peck Fort Randall Garrison Gavin’s Point Oahe
BUILDING STRONG ® SAMPLE – Big Bend Condition & Consequence Analysis 12
BUILDING STRONG ® Six Power Plant Development Plans ► Vision-Priorities, Setting, Systems Condition, and Phased CIP Integrated Capital Improvement List – Phased Plan – Funding & Development Alternatives Future Development Plan 13
BUILDING STRONG ® SAMPLE- BB Development Plan 14
BUILDING STRONG ® HMI-20 Year Plan for Omaha District Preliminary Results
BUILDING STRONG ® HMI-Risk Exposure for 20 year plan