Atlas Muon Spectrometer: installation and commissioning L. Pontecorvo INFN Roma.


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Presentation transcript:

Atlas Muon Spectrometer: installation and commissioning L. Pontecorvo INFN Roma

2 Outlook Installation Status and perspectives Chambers Commissioning Surface Test Pit Test Cosmic runs in Sector 13 Set-up Few results from MDTs Future data taking during Thoroid Test

L. Pontecorvo INFN Roma 3 66% of the Barrel chambers have been installed Even Sectors completed except for 11 BIS chambers BMS installation : completed 84 chambs BOS installation : completed 102 chambs BIS installation: still 11 chambers to go (sect 12 and 14 side A) 117 chambs Odd Sectors: BOL Installation : 67 chambs Side C still 2 chambers on sect 13 to be installed Side A: Sects 1, 9, 11, chambs in 13, to be installed Still missing in total 2 on side C AND 27 on side A BML installation : 17 chambs Sector 5: 9 chambers (1-3 C and side A completed) installed Sector 13: 6 chambers (1-3 A and C) installed Still missing 41 on side C and 38 on side A BIL installation : 43chambs Sector 13: 9 chambers (1-3 A and side C completed ) Sector 5: 12 chambsers completed Sector 3: 12 chambers Sector 9: 2 chamber Sector 1 : 6 chambers side C completed+2 side A Still missing 34 on side C and 43 on side A Total of installed chambers :430/ EIL4 Installation rate in last months: about 3.5 /day Barrel Installation Status

L. Pontecorvo INFN Roma 4 BIL-BML status BIL: All Side C BIL will be installed by the end of this week Side C BIM-BIR (24 chambers) will be installed in 2007 when the TGC wheel will be moved to give back access to Barrel installation All Side A BIL-BIM-BIR will be installed by the end of BML: On Side C we will install the last sectors (11, 15 and part of 1 and 9) in 2007 after removing the TGC wheel All side A will be installed by the end of 2006

L. Pontecorvo INFN Roma 5 Barrel Side C: Now Not all the chambers are in final position

L. Pontecorvo INFN Roma 6 Barrel Side A: Now USA 8 US Blue not installed Red installed Violet Partly installed

L. Pontecorvo INFN Roma 7 Barrel Side C: Beg. Oct Side C installation is stopped when moving the TGC big wheel towards Barrel C

L. Pontecorvo INFN Roma 8 Side A: End of 2006 End of the installation: Dec 2006, from our present installation rate Few chambers (about 40-50) still to be installed on side C after removing TGC big wheel: Only BML and BIL Editare dati

L. Pontecorvo INFN Roma 9 Manpower for Installation Chamber installation is a TC duty 2 teams of CERN technicians take care of inserting chambers in the spectrometer. Muon Community takes care of: Final chamber positioning Connections and cabling of all the available services Chambers testing Large participation of all the Muon collaboration: Dubna, MPI/LMU, NIKHEF, NTUA/Thessaloniki, INFN. L.Pontecorvo (INFN Roma) and F. Cerutti(INFN-LNF) coordinate all the installation and commissioning activities

L. Pontecorvo INFN Roma 10 Service Installation Service installation and routing is responsibility of TC Large cabling Team is now becoming available and is starting to work on: HV, LV, Control Cables, Alignment cables, Read-out Fibers Gas Piping (from Rack to Manifold and valves) A. Lanza (INFN PV) is the coordinator of this activities Muon Collaboration is responsible for providing cables and for final connections to the chambers including gas piping (lengthy operation) Chamber testing and commissioning can be done only after connection to final services will be completed

L. Pontecorvo INFN Roma 11 Service installation status: MDT MDT HV-LV cables installed for all outer chambers Production and installation under way MDT Alignment cables Installed for most of the chambers MDT DCS daisy chains cable produced for most of the chambers and installed on upper sectors (2,4,5,6) MDT RO/TTC fibers: Installed on most of the upper sectors but not yet connected to chambers Gas connections Chambers to Manifold started in many sectors (BOL, BOS, BIL, BIS) Installed Under installation Installed Length to be evaluated Partly installed Installed Bundles installed and connected Bundles installed and not connected Patch-cords installed Patch-cords installed and not connected

L. Pontecorvo INFN Roma 12 Service installation status: RPC RPC services less advanced than MDT HV cables installed only in sector 13, other sectors in production RPC LV and DCS in production only for sector 13 LVL1 LV cables installed in sector 13 and in production for other sectors LVL1 RO and Timing fibers installed on most of the sectors, patch cords installed only in sector 13. Hpt-Lpt cables installed on most of the sectors LVL1 CAN-cables installed (daisy chain to be produced) Gas connections to manifold well advanced.

L. Pontecorvo INFN Roma 13 Power system status MDT: Most of the crates, branch controllers and AC/DC generators are delivered or under delivery Preseries of the LV distributors is delivered and used in sector 13. First series delivery will take place in October 2006 Preseries of HV distributors is delivered and used in sector 13.. First delivery is foreseen in March 2007 RPC and LVL1: Noise problem discovered when using the prototype version of the HV distributor A3512. The problem is under investigation First delivery of some LV/HV modules is expected before the end of 2006 REMINDER: delivery schedule will be agreed on 25 Sept. taking into account all the requests (ATLAS, CMS, etc.)

L. Pontecorvo INFN Roma 14 Chamber commissioning Muon stations are tested before and after installation SURFACE TEST. Check of the functionality of the detectors prior to the installation, to find any problem occurred during transport/storage and components added just before installation PIT TEST. Check of the functionality of the detectors, of the services and of the correctness of the cabling after installation

L. Pontecorvo INFN Roma 15 Test sequence MDT: Leak : measure MDT pressure before and after transport. HV (2000V): check for broken wires and high currents. LV test: check for LV shorts DCS and alignment test: check for disconnected/not working sensors. Noise and Test Pulse Run : check of the full Read-out chain Test Sequence RPC: Install and cable the Trigger PADS Leak: check the gas tightness of the RPC gaps Test of the Electronics noise: read-out the Pool Down Current Test Pulse run: check full read-out chain and cabling. About 450 chambers have been tested up to now Many small problems solved on the spot About 4% of chambers have been sent back to certification phase Surface test station

L. Pontecorvo INFN Roma 16 Pit Testing Up to now only very basic test have been performed both on MDT and RPC : HV and leak tightness Now the possibility of more refined test is approaching due to the installation of final services. MDT Gas tightness after connection to gas manifolds DCS tests and JTAG initializations Functionality of the alignment sensors Noise tests RPC RPC gas tightness RPC pull-down currents Complete test (no noise runs) Partial tests (HV and Pressure)

L. Pontecorvo INFN Roma 17 MDT DCS and Alignment All DCS computers Installed in USA15 CANbus Power crates installed Read-out of DCS chains in many sectors is performed with final system. All Alignment Computer Installed in USA15 Many sectors cabled and tested with final system First 4 projective alignment lines read-out in sector 13 P. Valente (INFN-Roma) is the new MDT DCS coordinator Alignment PCs DCS PCs and Power crates

L. Pontecorvo INFN Roma 18 Cosmic Ray Test: Sector 13

L. Pontecorvo INFN Roma 19 Sector 13 : Set up Experimental setup: 3 BML and 3 BOL installed and temporarily cabled HV-LV from CAEN pre-series Temporary gas systems used for both RPC and MDT Scintillator trigger installed DAQ DAQ system based on ATLAS RCD (Coordinator E. Pasqualucci INFN Roma) Test of the final MDT MRODX Test of final LVL1 Sector Logic Trigger : RPC LVL1 trigger: 40 Hz(Coordinator S. Veneziano INFN Roma) Scintillator trigger: <1 Hz Stable combined runs (RPC + MDT + CTP with RPC trigger) Trigger distributed to Tile calorimeter via CTP, combined runs Muon+Tile

L. Pontecorvo INFN Roma 20 Sector 13: First MDT results Typical MDT spectrum: Time Spectrum shape as expected Low noise out of the trigger window. Hits per event: Large peak close to 12 hits as expected Very clean hits/track distribution Reconstructed track angle: Cosmic muons points mainly to the large shaft on side A. Hits per event Hits per track Track angle Large shaft Small shaft

L. Pontecorvo INFN Roma 21 Sector 13: MDT-RPC correlation Very good Correlation between RPC Z measurement (  strips) and MDT Z measurement (tube number). Correlation is kept all along the run: no desyncronization during the run. MDT Z measurement RPC Z measurement Difference Zrpc-Zmdt vs event Event number

L. Pontecorvo INFN Roma 22 Goals for thoroid test Experimental set up: 3 BIL-BML-BOL+3BOF/BOG B-field measurement : extensive use of MDT DCS Alignment : Measurement of toroid displacements with reference system Commissioning of first projective lines Alignment with tracks vs alignment system (BOL-BOF) MDT: Detailed NOISE studies: dependence on I tor, Threshold, RPC running conditions, grounding schemes Running parameter optimization Detailed studies of calibrations (r(t), t0, …) vs B-field RPC/LVL1: First running parameter optimization Verify trigger efficiencies vs Pt of cosmics

L. Pontecorvo INFN Roma 23 Conclusions 66% of the barrel chambers have been installed End side A by Dec 2006 End side C (BML-BIM/BIR chambers) by Feb 2007 First TGC big wheel installed Services installation on-going : end by November Chamber commissioning starting with inner layer chambers Power system: first deliveries of LV boards during Oct, HV boards by March 2007 Sector 13 as a benchmark of the phase II commissioning: good results from cosmic ray combined runs with MDT- RPC-LVL1-CTP and Tile Calorimeter.

L. Pontecorvo INFN Roma 24

L. Pontecorvo INFN Roma 25