U N C L A S S I F I E D Precision Tracking for the PHENIX Muon Arms Gerd J. Kunde ASI Prague 2005.


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Presentation transcript:

U N C L A S S I F I E D Precision Tracking for the PHENIX Muon Arms Gerd J. Kunde ASI Prague 2005

U N C L A S S I F I E D 78 cm 66 cm 45 cm 3 The Central Region

U N C L A S S I F I E D Overview of Heavy Ion Goals  A new state of matter, the quark-gluon plasma QGP, is being probed in collisions of heavy ions at RHIC  Heavy quarks (charm and beauty) are the cleanest probes of QGP. Next frontier of heavy ion physics  We will construct a forward silicon vertex tracker for the PHENIX muon arms unique heavy quark experimental capability new asynchronous readout technology

U N C L A S S I F I E D Why Heavy Quarks in Heavy Ion Collisions ?  Heavy quarks (charm and beauty) produced early in the collision. Live long enough to sample the plasma  Intrinsic large mass scale (heavy quarks) allows for precise calculations  Determination of QGP properties viscosity and conductivity energy density and temperature  Distinguish between energy loss models  Heavy quarks provide the best quantitative determination of the properties of the plasma

U N C L A S S I F I E D Photon detection at forward /backward rapidity –Measurement of gluon structure in nuclei, contrast with heavy quark data. –Detection of  C states via  C  J/  + . Large acceptance since nosecone calorimeter covers muon arm rapidity range. (Acceptance for photon in central arms is very low.)  C is a QGP diagnostic plus a contributor to J/  yield. –Can use q + g   + jet for very clean gluon measurement. Should have better x resolution than inclusive channels. –Large acceptance for  (0.9 < |  | <3.0)  good for low x shadowing region.

U N C L A S S I F I E D Pythia Simulation of Gamma-jet Production for NCC

U N C L A S S I F I E D Physics Beyond Reach of PHENIX Baseline Detailed study of Heavy Quark production - –Direct identification of open charm and beauty via : D  μ + X, B  μ + X, B  J/  + X  μ + μ  –Measurement of gluon structure in nuclei – x-dependence of gluon shadowing / Color Glass Condensate. g + g  D + D, B + B –Energy loss and multiple scattering of charm and beauty in nuclear matter. Separation of initial and final state effects. p T, x F and centrality dependence of D’s and B’s –Improved quarkonium data including chi states and upsilon at y=0. Better mass resolution with improved acceptance for chi. –Better baseline for A-A collisions.  ’ and  C becoming more important as expected temperatures required for screening increase. Open charm needed for interpretation of J/ . -

U N C L A S S I F I E D Identification of Open Charm with Endcap Without vertex selectionWith vertex selection  b c p T (GeV) Charm dominates charm ,K,K High p T part requires muon trigger upgrade

U N C L A S S I F I E D Measurement of gluon shadowing with FVTX  Heavy-flavor measurement in p+A Single lepton and J/  with displaced vertex  Extracting gluon structure function in nuclei (shadowing) Endcap Vertex detector provides broader range in x in the shadowing region (x <= ) From : VTX Proposal g + g  Q + Q -

U N C L A S S I F I E D Improves Separation of J/  from  ’ with FVTX  ’ becomes visible with improved resolution FVTX provides opening angle measurement before the nosecone, removing the multiple scattering contribution to the mass resn. Simulation From : VTX Proposal FVTX

U N C L A S S I F I E D Reconstruction via J/  +  coinc.  Mass (GeV)  M = 180 MeV (without FVTX) CC  CC From : Forward NCC LOI Virtually background free with FVTX !

U N C L A S S I F I E D Dimuon, W and Z Measurements –Removal of hadron and charm decays from Drell-Yan continuum using endcap FVTX. Possible detection of thermal charm between 1 and 3 GeV. D-Y gives direct measure of anti-quark structure in nuclei. –High p T single muons from W decays possible with new trigger – provides measurement of flavor dependent anti-quark sea, similar to pp, pd measurements from FNAL E866. High luminosity at  S = 500 GeV and high p T trigger are required. –Z 0 with muons in opposite endcaps. Drell-Yan Process

U N C L A S S I F I E D Hadron decay backgrounds large below 4 GeV, requiring accurate like sign correction.  region has bad S/N! ORNL dimuon S/N simulation for Au-Au Endcap FVTX detector can remove most of these  and K decays. Can also separate charm contribution from DY continuum. background signal From : PHENIX CDR

U N C L A S S I F I E D Simulation of Open Charm, Thermal Charm and D-Y at Low Pair Mass Open charm dominates dilepton spectrum between 1 and 3 GeV. Once measured we can look for thermal charm in Au+Au. DY OC TC  From : Ralf Rapp

U N C L A S S I F I E D Simulation of B-> J/  ->      with Endcap VTX Decay Distance (cm) 1mm vertex cut eliminates >99.95% of prompt J/  B decays Prompt J/  1mm cut Ratio of B decay to prompt J/  ~ 1%  =133  RHIC 10*L 0 ~400 B-> J/  per day p+p  S=200 GeV  L=10 36 Events

U N C L A S S I F I E D Recreating the Early Universe …  Heavy ion accelerators recreate the same conditions Relativistic Heavy Ion Collider at Brookhaven Nat’l Lab

U N C L A S S I F I E D Hottest and Densest Plasma Ever

U N C L A S S I F I E D Au+Au d+Au Energetic quarks experience large energy loss in the QGP Au   Au R AA Strong suppression of pions in Au+Au compared to control: p+p and d+Au collisions Evidence for Strongly Interacting Opaque Plasma Data - PHENIX Predictions – Ivan Vitev Absence of QGP would yield

U N C L A S S I F I E D Muon Arm Au The PHENIX detector  Muon trackers designed and built by LANL  Very successful program for J/psi physics

U N C L A S S I F I E D Open Charm Forward Rapidity Si Endcaps  Inclusive D=>  +X dominated by , K decays Cut: muon from within 1cm of collision removes most muons from , K decay high-statistics, robust charm same y, pt range as J/  => critical for normalization

U N C L A S S I F I E D Example, B J/  pz (GeV/c) x1 B => J/  utilizing large acceptance muon arms z vertex (cm) direct J/  J/  from B -> Phenix high rate e.g. with z vertex > 0.1cm p+p: J/  ~20K/year Au+Au: J/  ~7K/year 0.8%

U N C L A S S I F I E D Improved Endcap Mass Resolution

U N C L A S S I F I E D D,B Detection of decay vertex will allow for clean identifications of charm and bottom decays m c   GeV  m D D ± B B ± Direct Observation of Open Charm and Beauty Au e,  Au D X J/  B  K Need secondary vertex resolution < 50  m (barrel) < 150  m (endcap) e, 

U N C L A S S I F I E D Silicon Vertex Tracker Upgrade for Charm and Beauty  Pinpoints decay vertex  Tracker detects heavy quarks by displaced vertex of muons: D  μ + X B  μ + X B  J/  + X  μ+ μ-  Silicon planes with radial mini strips  Asynchronous readout electronics

U N C L A S S I F I E D Silicon Tracker Details  Four umbrella stations on each side  Mini-strips of 50 micron * mm  Readout via new PHX chip from Fermi Nat’l Lab  Zero suppressed, 3bit ADC, asynchronous  Data push via 2.5 gigabit optical links (OASE)  Total channel count: ~1.7 million channels  Total chip count: ~ 3500 chips  Total silicon area: ~ 6500 cm 2

U N C L A S S I F I E D Precision Silicon Tracker for the Muon-Arms Adding displaced track and displaced vertex capability to muon tracker Asynchronous readout technology being developed with FNAL

U N C L A S S I F I E D Endcap Acceptance Colored Area: 3 or more silicon hits Yellow line in left figure No perfect match with Ncc or Muons because of HBD constrains Will there ever be a run with both – FVTX and HBD - in place ????

U N C L A S S I F I E D 78 cm 66 cm 45 cm 3 The Acceptance ….

U N C L A S S I F I E D Endcap Technical Overview  50 micron radial pitch (z reconstruction)  4608 (4096) “mini-strips”  3.5 cm < r < 18 (14) cm  < 1 % occupancy  48 “double towers” in phi  mini-strips from 13.0 mm to 2.2 mm  readout via one PHX chip row r = 3.5 cm r = 18.0 cm 1 r = 14.0 cm Derived from FNAL chips

U N C L A S S I F I E D Only “2 ½” Silicon Detector types Inside Detector (I) Outside Detector (II) Outside Detector (III) 5 chips= 2560 strips 6 chips= 3072 strips 3 chips= 1536 strips 50 micron strips (collaboration with Prague groups ?)

U N C L A S S I F I E D Wedge Assembly 3 mm carbon wedge for assembly and cooling 2 silicons in front 2 silicons in back Reason: Eliminate dead silicon areas by overlapping 1 mm along edges ….

U N C L A S S I F I E D From Wedges to Umbrellas X 24

U N C L A S S I F I E D Endcap with Readout Board(green) and fiber optic connector(orange) 12 fibers per connector 30

U N C L A S S I F I E D PHX Chip Layout: 2 columns 256 channels/column 3.8 mm x 13 mm = 49.4 mm 2 Bump bonds on 200 um pitch 50 µm dia bumps 512 bumps plus inter-chip bumps FPIX2 Layout for comparison: Chip area = 91 mm 2 Bump bonds on 50 µm pitch 12 µm dia bumps 2816 bumps signals & power FNAL Collaboration BNL money ?

U N C L A S S I F I E D PHX: Tower Section Carbon Fiber Support and Cooling

U N C L A S S I F I E D Endcap Readout: Front End 6 x 512 channels 5 x 512 channels Fiber 2.5 Gbit/s Slow Control ~100 Hz RISC onboard OASE chip LVDS 6 x 160 MBit PHX/FPIX2 is zerosupressed !!! Hit: 9 bit address,3 bit adc, 4 bit chip-id, tag 8bit, i.e.24 bits 1 % Occupancy translates into: 60 x 24-bits in <0.6 micro seconds !

U N C L A S S I F I E D LINUX PCs in 3d net topology Readout Unit (PCI bus) Endcap Readout: Back End Fiber 2.5 Gbit/s Slow Control ~100 Hz OASE chip FPGA TRACKING FPGA 4 X (4 wedges) DATA IN Event Tag PHENIX emulator FPGA DATA (copy) GLink 24 cards each end ! Level I or II output Arcnet

U N C L A S S I F I E D FNAL Chip: FPIX2 Features  Advanced mixed analog/digital design  128 rows x 22 columns (2816 channels)  50 µm x 400 µm pixels  High speed readout intended for use in Level 1 trigger. Up to 840 Mbits/sec data output.  Very low noise  Excellent threshold matching  DC coupled input  Fully programmable device

U N C L A S S I F I E D HDI TEST CARD LANL R&D Collaboration with FNAL to get Multichip Modules in January Silicon with 8 readout chips on HDI Silicon from Czech Republic

U N C L A S S I F I E D Possible FPIX Layout for DR Proposal  Either one or two 8 chip HDIs horizontally  Hermetic coverage with 15 front - 14 back  Total of ~ 1000 (1900) chips  Allows for first clean open charm with the muon arms !  Made 1 st cut for LANL grant Radial pitch approximately 50 mu

U N C L A S S I F I E D FNAL Chip Test Setup at LANL or where we stand DVM DAQ Low Voltage Test Board LA Display Logic Analyzer Invisible: Clean Power and Scope and Pulser

U N C L A S S I F I E D The FNAL Chip Test Board V analog Pulser V digital 32 input lines, some have capacitors for noise measurement LVDS bus signals from the PCM Access to analog signals To Logic Analyzer

U N C L A S S I F I E D Noise Measurements on FNAL Chips Pulser 1 Volt DC offset, 200 mV pulse Shaper response

U N C L A S S I F I E D Endcap Summary  Readout and bus via PHX from Fermilab  Bump bonded assemblies  Wedge design  Umbrella endcap  Integration by LANL/Hytec

U N C L A S S I F I E D PHENIX Endcap Physics Summary Beauty Measurement B => J/     Open Charm Measurement D=>  +X, D  D=>  +e+X, D  D=>  + +  - +X cc  (displaced)X B  J/  X bb  e/  +displaced cc  (displaced)X B  J/  Xg GS95 bb  e/  +displaced p-p p-A A-A /100

U N C L A S S I F I E D Summary  Next Step in Heavy Ion Physics with Endcap FVTX Charm and Beauty  Precision Tracking before NCC and Muon Arms  Heavy-Ion Physics with together with NCC will be Gamma Tags and Xc  Preparation for DOE proposal in progress  DIRECTED RESEARCH proposal to LANL (made 1 st cut)  R&D Contract with FNAL (future will be PHX support through BNL)  Collaboration with Prague groups on silicon detector !  With the Endcap FVTX, Nosecone Calorimeter NCC and Muon Trigger Upgrades Finally exploit the full rare probe capabilities of PHENIX. Push deep into the shadowing / CGC region. Directly measure heavy quarks Measure hadrons and photons at forward/backward rapidities Gamma tagged Jets Detect W decays  C !!!!!