A.MENTAL ILLNESS 1.A medical disease or disorder that prevents a person from living a productive, happy, and healthy life.
B.2 TYPES OF MENTAL DISORDERS 1.Organic: result of physical injury or illness to the brain. (auto accident, tumor) 2.Functional: caused by psychological conditions (trauma, fear, stress)
C.3 MAIN CATEGORIES OF FUNCTIONAL DISORDERS: 1.Anxiety disorders: real or imagined fears prevent a person from living a normal life. a. Phobias: extreme real fears that hinder a person from carrying out daily tasks.
b.Paranoia: imagined fear Example of Drug induced paranoia
c.Hypochondria: fear of physical illness d.Anorexia: fear of becoming fat 1. Bulimia: binge eating; vomiting Anorexia Bulimia
e.General anxiety: always fearful f.Obsessive compulsive: persistent behaviors that interfere with normal activities.
g.Post-traumatic stress: severe long lasting effects from a traumatic event.
2.AFFECTIVE DISORDERS: 1.Clinical Long term feeling of sadness (weeks) 2.Manic Extreme mood shifts (from elation to depression for no reason) a.Depression
3.PERSONALITY DISORDERS: Responding inappropriately in certain situation Schizophrenia: Abnormal emotional responses Antisocial: constant conflict with society Passive-Aggressive: showing resentment to authority Psychosis: “out of touch” with reality
4.STIGMA: A negative label or mark of shame for a person.
5.SUICIDE WARNING SIGNS Feeling of hopelessness Preoccupation with death Anxiety and tension Alcohol or other drug use Withdrawal from family and friends Abrupt changes in behavior Changes in sleeping or eating habits Statements like “I wish I were dead,” or “You’d be better off without me.” Purchase of a weapon, pills, or other suspicious item Giving away prized possessions
SUICIDE, BY THE NUMBERS Although more women attempt suicide then men in the United States, men are at least four times more likely to die from suicide. Suicide among the ages 10 – 19 has increased 100%