Format of Exam #3 5 Listening IDs: Composer, Title, Period 3 Baroque vs Classical IDs: For a work you have never studied, state whether it is a more likely to be a Baroque- or Classical-era composition and justify your answer. 2-3 Binary Other Listening: Listening excerpts that test your knowledge and ability to hear concepts from class. Objective Questions (approx ½ reading; ½ class) Essay: Choice of 2-3 essays (answer one)
Sample terms to know for Exam #3 Monody OperaCaccini Basso continuofigured bass notationStile rappresentativo concerto grossoconcertinoPeri Ripienoritornellorecitativo secco Recitativo accompagnatosubjectsonata da camera sonata da chiesasinfoniaminut and trio MessiahFlorentine Cameratacadenza Well-Tempered Clavieroratoriocantata Walking bassFrench Overtureopera seria Opera buffaclassical erarounded binary form Coda development recapitulation Double exposition formtriofinale Expositionchoraleconcertato style Rounded binary formLutheran Church cantatada Ponte Sonatastring quartet variations Da capo ariaSurprise returnretransition Mozartpolychoral motetThe Seasons The CreationEnlightenmentrondo form Surprise SymphonyAlberti bassdance suite Brandenburg concertosariabaroque Marriage of FigarochoraleLondon Symphonies cori spezzatilibrettoCosì fan tutte The Four SeasonsEsterhazy familyKöchel number
Format of Exam #3 5 Listening IDs: Composer, Title, Period 3 Baroque vs Classical IDs: For a work you have never studied, state whether it is a more likely to be a Baroque- or Classical-era composition and justify your answer. 1 listening based on Mozart “A Little Night Music,” I and sonata form. Objective Questions Essay: Choice of 2-3 essays (answer one)