Why did Henry VIII break with the Catholic Church? Learning Objectives: Write a clear, well structured answer to the question Clearly use PEE throughout essay STRETCH Use specific evidence to support argument and explain why Henry VIII left the Catholic Church in 16th Century Learning Outcomes: Revisit essay and make progress – use comments to identify areas of development and adapt essay
Why did Henry VIII break with the Catholic Church? POST IT TASK – “Henry VIII left the Catholic Church in 1534 because he ……” Read through your essay – identify two things you have done well and your immediate priority Share these with a friend. Stretch – Think of as many pieces of SPECIFIC EVIDENCE that proves a point about Henry’s decision to leave the church
What does success look like? Why does Henry VIII break with the Catholic Church? What does success look like? FOUNDATION DEVELOPING SECURE EXPERT I have made simple comments about why Henry VIII left the Catholic Church I have given more than one reason why Henry VIII left the Catholic Church I have explained how Henry VIII left the Catholic Church for many reasons I have given specific evidence and key terms to support my points. I have used a clear PEE structure throughout my essay. I have an introduction and conclusion which answers the question. I argue throughout the essay and write a sustained conclusion
Peer Task – Model Paragraphs Why does Henry VIII break with the Catholic Church? Peer Task – Model Paragraphs Using the model paragraphs and the criteria sheet – in pairs mark the piece of work that you have been given. Identify areas of success and areas of development Linking your essay paragraphs: Henry wanted to have a son to carry on the Tudor Dynasty. He also wanted to have more power in his own country. Consequently he… In order to achieve… Henry was also angered by… this led him to…. THINK CONNECTIVES Things to consider…. Is there a strong INTRODUCTION? Does the paragraph have Point Evidence Explain structure? Is there SPECIFIC EVIDENCE? Does the paragraph LINK between each paragraph? Stretch – How would YOU rewrite this paragraph? What words would you use?
Over to YOU – Purple Pen and Revisit Why does Henry VIII break with the Catholic Church? Over to YOU – Purple Pen and Revisit Read through your own essay – what have you done well and what do you need to develop? PURPLE PEN OF PROGRESS your own essay – MOVE to the next level Write in DETAIL – explain clearly what you want to say PEE in every paragraph Think about your LINKING skills Is there an argument THROUGHOUT the essay Do you prove a point in every paragraph? Think about your CONCLUSION Does this sum up your argument? Does it CONTINUE your introduction Linking your essay paragraphs: Henry wanted to have a son to carry on the Tudor Dynasty. He also wanted to have more power in his own country. Consequently he… In order to achieve… Henry was also angered by… this led him to…. THINK CONNECTIVES Things to consider…. Is there a strong INTRODUCTION? Does the paragraph have Point Evidence Explain structure? Is there SPECIFIC EVIDENCE? Does the paragraph LINK between each paragraph?
THINK PAIR SHARE…. Why does Henry VIII break with the Catholic Church? Linking your essay paragraphs: Henry wanted to have a son to carry on the Tudor Dynasty. He also wanted to have more power in his own country. Consequently he… In order to achieve… Henry was also angered by… this led him to…. THINK CONNECTIVES Peer assessment of your essay - is this essay on the path to the next level? How can this essay develop to the next level? Gallery of this essay – share success. Homework – hand in the completed version of this essay week 2 weds lesson
What does success look like? Why does Henry VIII break with the Catholic Church? What does success look like? FOUNDATION DEVELOPING SECURE EXPERT I have made simple comments about why Henry VIII left the Catholic Church I have given more than one reason why Henry VIII left the Catholic Church I have explained how Henry VIII left the Catholic Church for many reasons I have given specific evidence and key terms to support my points. I have used a clear PEE structure throughout my essay. I have an introduction and conclusion which answers the question. I argue throughout the essay and write a sustained conclusion