Note Taker Digital Note Cards
HeadingSub-Heading Source NoteComment Note Type Page Horned lizards Everyone loves horny toads, but for many Texans the fierce-looking yet amiable reptile is only a fond childhood memory. Now, through participation in Texas Horned Lizard Watch, you can take part in an effort to better understand why our official state reptile is doing well in some locations and what factors may have contributed to its decline in other areas. _nature_trackers/horned_lizard/
HeadingSub-Heading Source NoteComment Note Type Page Horned lizards common throughout most of the state, the horny toad (or Texas Horned Lizard) has disappeared from many parts of its former range over the past 30 years. Its disappearance has been blamed on many factors, including collection for the pet trade, spread of the red imported fire ant, changes in land use, and environmental contaminants. ‘ _nature_trackers/horned_lizard/
HeadingSub-Heading Source NoteComment Note Type Page Horned lizards As a participant in Texas Horned Lizard Watch, you will be "on-the-ground" – collecting data and observations about populations of horned lizards in your area, their food sources, their potential predators or competitors, or their habitat characteristics. From young to old, Ph.D. to hobbyist, there's a way for everyone to participate! _nature_trackers/horned_lizard
HeadingSub-Heading Source NoteComment Note Type Page Horned lizards Horned lizards have declined in many places but can still be found in many parts of South Texas, West Texas, the Rolling Plains and the Texas Panhandle. Keep your eyes open on warm days (80-95°F) in these areas, especially near. _nature_trackers/horned_lizard
HeadingSub-Heading Source NoteComment Note Type Page Horned lizards harvester ant beds. You can also check out state park destinations in the Panhandle Plains, South Texas Plains and Big Bend Country travel regions. _nature_trackers/horned_lizard
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Note Taker Working Bibliography
Web Site Author’s last name, First name or initial. Texas Horned Lizard Watch Title of website 9/30/09 URLhttp:// xas_ature_trackers/horned_lizard/
Book Author’s Last name, First name or initial. Title of Book. Date Call number
Encyclopedia Author’s Last name, First name or initial. “Title of Article.” Title of Encyclopedia. Edition Number Year
CD ROM Author’s (or Editor’s) Last name, First name or initial. (ed.) “Title of Article.” Title of CD. Year
Newspaper Author of Article (Last name, First name.) “Title of Article.” Title of Newspaper Date (day month year) Page number of article
Magazine Author of Article (Last name, First name.) “Title of Article.” Title of Periodical Volume / Issue number / Month, Year Page range of article