MONDAY November 16, 2015
JOURNAL SET UP FOR 3 RD SIX WEEKS Re-Number the pages starting with 1, 2, 3… front and back Pages 1-4 are your new table of contents Page 5 will start your writing and lessons area Be sure to title and date each page when needed
ESSENTIAL QUESTION How important is information in our world?
INFORMATIVE AND EXPLANATORY TEXTS Explain a concept Clarify a process Describe how something is made or how it works
INFORMATIVE AND EXPLANATORY TEXTS Informative writing happens because someone is asking for information They need to know something or understand it better The writer addresses the topic to clear up some kind of confusion
INFORMATIVE AND EXPLANATORY TEXTS All writing contains Clearly written information Explanations
WRITING TERRITORIES/THINGS YOU CAN INFORM A READER ABOUT In collecting your Writing Territories (things you want to write about-where the stories lie in you), Consider these options Fads, trends-stupid or sticking Places: schools, camp, trips, or vacations Sports Games Music Books Authors Poems Movies Food
TUESDAY November 17, 2015
ESSENTIAL QUESTION What strategies do authors use to convey (bring) their message?
TEXT STRUCTURES GALLERY WALK Text StructureSignal WordsVisual
COMPARE/ CONTRAST WRITING TYPES Personal Narrative Elements Persuasive Elements Informational Elements Similarities of all 3
WEDNESDAY November 18, 2015
ESSENTIAL QUESTION What strategies do authors use to convey (bring) their message?
ALL ABOUT PURIM With a partner highlight words in the paragraph that identifies the topic of each paragraph. Then on the sticky note write the words, then stick it in the correct topic box on the board. Next, choose a special holiday that you enjoy & try writing a piece using the new text structure. What text structure did Arik Rosenberg use? How the event started What we eat and why One important object we use Something we read or sing Why I like/love it so much
THURSDAY November 19, 2015
ESSENTIAL QUESTION What is the difference between an informational text and a persuasive text?
YOUR JOB TODAY! 11/19/15 1.If you DID NOT finish or complete yesterday’s assignment with the text structures you need to do so, along with the writing. 2.You will read “Brainy Bees Know Two from Three”, and answer the five questions on the side in COMPLETE sentences. Also identify the thesis statement. IN YOUR JOURNAL! 3.After you are done with “Brainy Bees Know Two from Three” you will read “Canines in the Wild”, and you will identify the different characteristics that are being compared or contrasted. 4.Then use the reader’s response symbols, and the writer’s response symbols to mark the text. 5.If you are done with everything you will NEED to READ.
FRIDAY November 20, 2015 Warm-up List at least 5 things you are thankful for…
THANKFUL LETTER In your composition book write a letter (full page) to your parent/guardian or teacher about what you are thankful for. Once your letter is done show it to me, then I’ll give you white paper for you to transfer your letter. Write clearly Draw an illustration Yes you will give it to them!