Pre-Engineering & Design Deonna Anderson
Teamwork is... The ability to work together toward a common vision The ability to direct individual accomplishments toward organizational objectives It is the fuel that allows common people to attain uncommon results
Successful teams … REWARD TEAM RESULTS Reward and Recognition programs are important motivators for teams. We still need to reward individuals who make contributions to team results
Reward programs are payments to Teams based on a pre-announced formula In other words, in advance, the team knows that if we do this, we will get that.
RECOGNITION programs are payments to teams AFTER THE FACT After the team has done some good work, the manager decides to recognize their efforts by providing each team member with some sort of acknowledgement
Payments under reward and recognition programs can be in the form of either Cash or Non-Cash awards… Non-cash awards are typically merchandise or services that team members select from a catalogue of items. Some experts feel that non-cash awards are more motivational because each time the person uses the briefcase, clock or lawnmower, it is a reminder of the event.
The team Oscars … BEST SUPPORTING ACTOR: to the team member who was most supportive to the team process RALPH NADER AWARD:for challenging the system…and living to tell about it THE DOMINOS DELIVERS AWARD: to the team member who could be depended on to deliver work and anything else asked for on time, every time.
The team Oscars… U.S. AIR ON TIME EVERY TIME AWARD: To the member who showed up on time and prepared for every team meeting THE BMA-BEST MANAGER AWARD: to the manager who was most supportive of the team’s work
Jerry McAdams
Successful teams … ASSESS TEAM PERFORMANCE Periodically, a team should stop to examine how well they are doing and what may be interfering with their effectiveness. Teams, much like individuals, should take and annual physical—a check-up that examines their vital signs.
This self-assessment can be formal or informal… Informal check-ups can take the form of the team leader asking “How are we doing?”
A solid group discussion, base on this and other simple questions can be an effective exercise... What are our strengths? What are we doing well? What things should we stop doing because they are reducing our effectiveness? What should we begin doing because they would increase our effectiveness? How can we improve our team?
A FORMAL assessment does not have to be a long drawn-out complicated process: Brief written survey Quick Team Check Team members complete anonymously Completed surveys should be given to a neutral person to summarize and present to the team
Yogi Berra
Successful teams... It is very important that the team take the time and effort to reach around and pat itself on the back. If you wait for others to recognize your work you may wait a very long time Too often, others are quick to criticize, but slow to praise. CELEBRATE TEAM ACCOMPLISHMENTS…
When you’ve accomplished a goal, Improved your process, Installed a new system, Produced a new product, Or put a new service on line, Celebrate the Event!!!!
Congratulate Yourself… Throw your own party, give out gifts to your team or simply bring in pizzas for everyone
No-cost, Low-cost Celebrations… Bring Pizza for Lunch T-shirts Sweatshirts Or hats With team Name or Logo Picnic, BBQ With sports And games
No-cost, Low-cost Celebrations… An outing to a local Restaurant, or game place A multi-ethnic meal with food that reflects the membership of the team Quality photograph Of the team given To each person
Samuel Butler