Greece Bailey Whisman
Country Information Population million Religion- 97% Christian Orthodox, the remaining population is Muslim, Roman Catholic and Jewish. Location- Greece is at the southeast end of Europe.
Greek Flag The equal- armed cross represents the Greek Orthodox church, the predominant religion of Greece. Nine stripes represent the number of syllables in the Greek Phrase “Eleutheria H Thanstos”, translating into “Freedom or Death!” Currency Greece – 1.00 EUR to USD
Things to know before traveling: Emergency line in Greece is 112 for life threatening emergencies, 100 for police, 166 for Ambulance and 199 for Fire Brigade. While traveling in Greece, you are a subject to the laws, even being a U.S. citizen.
A few words.. Hello -γειά σου Goodbye - αντίο Thank you - σας ευχαριστώ Welcome - καλωσόρισμα Where is..? - όπου είναι
Making Appointments.. Greeks celebrate two national days among others that are religious in nature. Independenc e Day – March 25 th and “Oxi” on October 28 th, both one day holidays and businesses will close. During the summer, it is hard to accomplish anything in the months of July and August. In August, Greeks may return home to their family village or island. During the summer, it is hard to accomplish anything in the months of July and August. In August, Greeks may return home to their family village or island
Business Dress Men should wear a suit and tie in the winter, summer dress is more casual due to the high temperatures. Women should wear dresses or suits in subtle colors and heels, they will rarely leave the house without makeup. Jeans are not worn at work, they will change into more casual clothes once they get home.
Topics of conversation World events Greeks live their lives to the fullest Develop a relationship before talking politics They are emotional, expressive and imaginative.
Addressing others.. Friends and business contacts use first names The head of the office will be addressed by the title of Mr. and his last name. To show a sign of respect, Greeks may add Mrs. or Mr.
Acceptable Behavior.. Physical contact between men and women, as well as the same gender. When talking to someone, Greeks will often reach out to touch them. When they meet someone, a kiss on both cheeks is common. Conversations are held at high volume. The OK sign is considered obscene in Greece.
Gift giving.. Small gifts with a company logo is appropriate and appreciated. Too much complimenting and you might end up it as a gift. If invited over to a friends house for dinner, it is appropriate to bring flowers or sweets.
Negotiating.. Have a good understanding of realities of doing business in Greece. When communicating, Greeks are known to be effusive and emotional. The pace of business is more laid back than other countries. If you are not Greek then you are viewed with some initial suspicion.
Entertaining.. Lunch around 1 or 2 Dinner around 9, with wine offered Often order small meals, called mezes Some restaurants have live music, and it is very common for Greeks to start dancing They will invite you to join, but they don’t expect you to know the dance Drinking coffee is a sacred ritual, very common for people to meet
Dining.. Artichoke Pie with Leek- Aginarpita Pasta salad with Greek Yogurt dressing Spanakopita Tart with Bacon and mushrooms
Conclusion: GREECEU.S.