Dorset Wiltshire Wing JNCO Course Getting Things Done Dorset Wiltshire Wing JNCO Course
Objectives By the end of this session you will be able to List the elements of the PICSIE sequence List the key aspects of each element List the elements of a SMEAC brief
PICSIE Plan Evaluate Initiate Inform Control Support
Selecting a plan The best plan should: Fulfil all essential requirements Fulfil all or most of the desirable requirements Cater for unforeseen occurrences Be flexible Use resources efficiently
Control The leader should: Not get too involved in the task Stand back, look at the big picture and think ahead Not let the team’s energies be diverted onto non-essential tasks Set the work tempo Co-ordinate effort Allocate responsibilities Give a sense of purpose
Support The team needs your support so: Praise when things go well Encourage Show that you are sensitive to individual needs Reconcile conflicts Build team spirit Develop team suggestions
Inform The leader should: Communicate progress Tell the team if you change the plan Clarify objectives Provide new information Praise effort and ability
Evaluate The leader should: Review objectives Assess progress and re-plan as required Assess team performance Recognise success and learn from failure Guide and train team members
PICSIE Plan Evaluate Initiate Inform Control Support
Objectives By the end of this session you will be able to List the elements of the PICSIE sequence List the key aspects of each element List the elements of a SMEAC brief