Syria: Four years of war
In Syria, there is still fighting between the government and people who disagree with them. More than 11 million people have been forced to leave their homes.
Millions of people do not have enough food, water or healthcare.
Our supporters have raised more than £2.8 million so that CAFOD can help the people of Syria. CAFOD provides food, clothes and medicine, and help people to find safe places to stay.
Every day this year more than 10,000 people have fled from Syria to nearby countries. We are helping refugees in Turkey, Lebanon and Jordan.
Abir and Tony fled to Lebanon from Syria in CAFOD has helped them with medical care for their three children who were born very early and needed care.
Abdulrahman and Douad were living in a basement in Syria with their family to shelter from the bombs. They fled to Lebanon for safety in 2012.
In Turkey, CAFOD gave coloured pencils and paper to some of the Syrian children. Many drew pictures of war.
“I really miss my school in Syria and I miss all my friends. I was good at school but I had to leave it. But I really like playing with the other children. The toys here are really good!”
Here in Turkey, in a safe place and surrounded by friends, some children are starting to draw happier pictures.
CAFOD and partners makes a real difference but there is still a lot to do. On this four year anniversary let’s keep the people of Syria in our prayers and shine a light of hope for the people of Syria.
God of light, We pray for peace for our neighbours in Syria. We pray that the fighting may stop, and that everyone may be blessed by you. We ask this in the name of your Son, Jesus, our Lord. Amen.