Let’s Visit France
Activity 1. Becoming Familiar with the Map (Have students point to Spain on pg. 39. Then point to England. Then on the country between Spain and England, called France. Have students draw mountains along the border where France and Spain meet. Have students fill the box in the legend with mountains too. Have students color France yellow.) What continent is France on?
Activity 2. Reading About Madeline What is the name of the big city you visited in England? Today you are going to visit a big city in France. The name of this city is Paris. Now we’re going to read a story about a little French girl named Madeline. Madeline lives in a boarding school with other girls in her class. Their teacher is a nun named Miss Clavel. As we read the book, let’s keep an eye out for the wonderful buildings in the pictures.
Activity 3. Storybook Detective You’re going to be a Storybook Detective. I’m going to show you some pictures of famous sights and you tell me if you saw it in the story of Madeline. Here’s the first one: The Eiffel Tower
Activity 3. Storybook Detective France has many beautiful churches, but the best known church is the Cathedral of Notre Dame.
Activity 3. Storybook Detective On a hill sits another famous church. It’s called Sacre-Cœur, the Church of the Sacred Heart. No matter where you are in Paris youc an see this church because it sits high on a hill.
Activity 3. Storybook Detective In Paris there is a beautiful palace. A king and a queen lived there more than 100 years ago. Now this palace is a museum where you can see some of teh greatest works of art ever created. The name of this museum is the Louvre. In front of teh Louvre are beautiful gardens where a French queen named Marie Antoinette once played with her children.
Activity 3. Storybook Detective Here are some of the other famous buildings that weren’t in the Madeline book.
Activity 4. Sing a French Song Frère Jacques Frère Jacques, Dormez-vous? Sonnez les matines, Din, din, don! Are you sleeping? Brother John? Morning bells are ringing Morning bells are ringing, Ding, ding, dong.
The French Flag – pg. 51 in student workbooks