Duration- 1. The running time of a film or video performance or installation. 2. the time that elapses in the events of a narrative. 3. The overall span of time a narrative encompasses 4D Design Elements Andy Warhol’s Empire 1964 was filmed from the 41st floor of the Time-Life Building. It was shot in real time for 6 hours 40 min. at 24 fps then projected at 16 fps for a total runtime of 8 hours and 5 minutes.
Sequence- The temporal order in which events occur. Also called chronology. In film and video it is also a collection of related shots and scenes that constitute a major section of action or narration 4D Design Elements
Setting- The physical and temporal location of a narrative, object or event. Commonly called site when referring to installation and performance 4D Design Elements
Scope- 1. Refers to the extent of our perception, the range of ideas presented or the amount of time that is included. 2. Also used to refer to the range of action within a given moment 4D Design Elements
Intensity- 1. The level of energy in a performance 2. The quality of observation or the degree to which perceptual sensitivity is heightened the magnitude of emotional response or degree to which viewers identify with actions or actors 4D Design Elements
Tempo- The perception of the speed at which time passes. 4D Design Elements
Transition- The process or period of changing from one state into another. Transitions can be spatial temporal or conceptual 4D Design Elements Underground concourse at the Detroit International Airport
Transition- The process or period of changing from one state into another. Transitions can be spatial temporal or conceptual 4D Design Elements Still of a quick cross-fade transition from Segei Eisenstein’s Strike! Of 1924 A police spy is visually linked to an owl to emphasize his stealthy, nocturnal and blood thirsty traits.
Continuity- State of stability or the absence of disruption. Objects and ideas are parsimoniously connected following the smoothest and easiest path 4D Design Elements The famous sequence from Kubrick’s 2001 which uses the continuity of the spinning bone transition to seamlessly jump a few hundred-thousand years ahead in human history.
Continuity- State of stability or the absence of disruption. Objects and ideas are parsimoniously connected following the smoothest and easiest path 4D Design Elements In Plan 9 from Outer Space Bela Lagosi Died halfway through the shooting and was replaced by Ed Wood’s dentist. Ed was counting on continuity to hide this fact so he could finish the movie without reshooting Lagosi’s scenes
Installation Art Is primarily concerned with: Controlling the audience's interaction with objects space Installation
Jac Leirner Installation Art Is primarily concerned with: Issues of site and audience interaction Installation
Antoinette Citizen Installation Art Is primarily concerned with: How circumstances & surroundings alter meaning and impact. Installation
Reuben margolin Click for video Installation Art often includes Kinetic sculpture, art that moves and interacts with the space or the audience. Installation