Objective: Connect the two WOKs (perception and emotion) to the other AOKs and WOKs
THE plan Same as yesterday. Key Points and Main Ideas are on the website. Reflections due tomorrow. Today: Using questions to make connections
Perception and Ethics Do good people see the world differently from bad people? Consider…. What makes someone good? What makes someone bad? How do you see the world? Optimistic? Pessimistic?
Perception and History Should we trust eye-witness evidence? Consider… Does emotion ever play a role in eye- witness evidence? What are some elements that affect eye- witness evidence? SEINFELD!
Perception and Emotion How does your mood affect your perception of things? Consider… What mood are you in right now? Is it affecting your day? What does it take to have a great day? A bad day?
Emotion and Language Do you think that language is used more to describe or persuade? Consider… Your own conversations Conversations with teachers Conversations you over hear
Emotion and The Arts Do the arts provoke emotions or purge them? Consider…. What is the purpose of art? How do you connect to art? Why do you seek out different forms of art?
Emotion and Reason Are we driven more by reason or emotion? Consider… How do you make decisions? Why are you seeking out the colleges you are seeking out? What do you want your major to be? WHY?
Quote 1 “A fool sees not the same tree that the wise man sees.” –William Blake ( ) What does this quote mean? Do you agree? How can it connect to our society?
Quote 2 “Trust in yourself. Your perceptions are often far more accurate than you are willing to believe.” Claudia Black. Agree/Disagree? If this is true, how does it affect your answer about eye-witness evidence?