Perception in working in conflict environments
Neutral, impartial and independent humanitarian organisation Mandated by the community of states, through the Geneva Conventions (GC III Art. 10), to Protect and assist victims of conflict Promote the Law of Armed Conflict (IHL) and its implementation The ICRC
In close proximity to victims (sometimes the only actor in a context, always take a needs- based approach) In all contexts, we engage in dialogue with all parties (states and non-state armed groups) Confidentially & bilaterally – with all parties. We never disclose discussions. Operate differently from other humanitarian organisations. Key working methods…
Neutrality: toward the parties to the conflict Impartiality: toward the victims Independence: From other organisations - with regard to decision making and action. Key working methods…
ACTION Programmes ACCESS Reaching beneficiaries ACCEPTANCE Authorities, arms carriers, beneficiaries PERCEPTION Perception based security
Problems faced: Instrumentalisation of aid Rejection of aid Unreliable security guarantees Foreign fighters Criminality
Immediate assistance in emergency situations Constructive dialogue (confidential & bilateral) Coordination of movement (to ensure safe access) Useful information on the situation of civ populations The ICRC added value:
Monitoring compliance with IHL (all parties/groups) Its services as neutral intermediary between parties to the conflict: PW & detainee exchanges Mortal remains Humanitarian corridors Evacuate wounded & civilians IDP resettlement The ICRC added value:
Key Messages: Understanding and respect for roles, mandates & capacities Clear separation – Parties to conflict : (military/police/civilian) - from humanitarian actors – clarity of terms, use of uniforms, vehicles, communications & objectives Obligation to ensure sufficient space for the function of impartial, independent humanitarian actors Humanitarian action must not be subordinated to military or political objectives Trust & dialogue