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What images come to mind? Adventure Journey Trek
During this conference, we will: Gain a greater understanding of RA Trek individual achievement plan. View samples of RA Trek. Learn what RAs are responsible for accomplishing during each Trek. Find out what RA Leaders will do to guide RAs. See the new awards created for participation and completion of RA Trek.
What is RA Trek? Individual Achievement Plan for Royal Ambassadors Designed to enhance overall RA experience Designed to be completed on own or in small groups..
Through RA Trek, boys will: gain a greater understanding of missions, take a personal interest in missions involvement, and strengthen their personal relationship with God.
Patches and Chevrons
What are the Treks? Each grade level Trek includes activities for boys to complete in each of the seven growth areas. They are: My RA Identity My Praying My Doing and Telling My Missions Learning My Giving My Faith My Church
How is RA Trek structured? One grade level Trek per year Complete all seven growth areas to finish a yearly Trek Boys may work on previous Treks after they have completed current Trek.
My RA Identity Each “My RA Identity” growth area requires boys to learn something about being an RA: our pledge, scripture verse, pieces of the RA shield, or our history. Boys must complete all three activities (including Physical Fitness) for complete the “My RA Identity” growth area in each Trek.
My Doing and Telling As boys grow in their understanding of missions, activities become more focused on individual learning and take more effort to complete. By Trek 6, boys are planning missions projects and activities in their own churches and communities.
Boys are responsible for completing activities and recording it in their Member Log
RA Trek Member Log 1-3 Each boy needs his own Member Log book to record the projects he has completed and to reflect on his learning. Member Logs are designed to last three years.
RA Trek Member Log 4-6 As boys continue to Treks 4-6, the Member Log asks them to record more information and realize how they can apply what they are learning to their own lives.
Inside each Trek, you will find:
Jr. Ambassadors Boys working on Treks 1, 2, or 3 are qualified to wear the Jr. Ambassador patch. When boys complete each yearly Trek, they are awarded the corresponding chevron.
Ambassadors Boys working on Treks 4, 5, or 6 are qualified to wear the Ambassador patch. When boys complete each yearly Trek, they are awarded the corresponding chevron.
For more information, contact: Steve Heartsill, RA editor Heather Keller, Children’s consultant