CHARACTERISATION David Wickenden Chair NWDRF-Characterization Working Group Principal Consultant (Radiochemistry) Magnox Ltd Webinar date: 25 th September.


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Presentation transcript:

CHARACTERISATION David Wickenden Chair NWDRF-Characterization Working Group Principal Consultant (Radiochemistry) Magnox Ltd Webinar date: 25 th September

NWDRF- Characterization Working Group Activities (1) Working Group Objectives To address key concerns of the nuclear industry characterisation community, promote the adoption of good practice in all aspects of the characterisation process, and encourage a culture of continuous improvement How? Promote and communicate good characterisation practice including relevant national and international developments in characterisation (guidance and practice) to the SLC practitioner community Promote and communicate developments in analytical methodology Identify and recommend areas that require R&D to the NWDRF 2

PhD call Characterization topics In-Situ Analysis –Improved instrumental techniques for the surveillance of plant, structures, and land for radiological and chemical contamination –Remote (field sensing) for contaminated land, buildings, and waste packages –Improved detector design for surface/remote monitoring Rapid and Automated Analytical Techniques –More rapid analysis methodology to support automation especially in labour-intensive areas of sample preparation and radionuclide separations to improve analysis cost, turnaround and improved supply-chain capacity Improved Metrology –There is a need to develop waste reference materials to underpin analysis and assay, including surface contamination 3

In-Situ Analysis (1) 4 Industry Need: Remote Building, Plant, and Contaminated Land Surveillance Remote Sampling Techniques for Hazardous Environments Improved and/or new techniques for in-situ analysis of waste 2014/15 NDA Bursary supported PhD “Long-Range Scanning Based Detection of Alpha Induced Air-Fluorescence under Daylight Conditions (AI-AF-dc)” University of Lancaster – in progress 2014/15 NDA Bursary supported PhD “In-situ Real-Time Monitoring of Waterborne Low-Energy Betas”, University of Lancaster – in progress

In-Situ Analysis (3) 5 NDA Bursary Supported PhD “Innovative System for Deploying New Biosensors for Water Contaminant Monitoring” – Douglas Pike University of Leeds (completed) Aim: To develop an automated and remotely controlled water monitoring unit to specifically include the deployment of biosensors for the detection of aqueous uranyl ions BIO-Sensor Enhanced response to UO 2 2+ compared to other ions (but not complete specificity) Biosensor detection limit is M (but practically closer to M due to interference). Reversible and reusable Sensor lifetime in wet storage (e.g. buffer solution) variable – generally less than 4 months CONROY, D.J.R Nanostructured surfaces for sensing heavy metals and radionuclides in aqueous systems. PhD thesis, The University of Leeds.- DIAMOND supported

In-Situ Analysis (3) 6 Removes operator risk Complimentary new tool Rapid response Light weight (~7kg) High spatial resolution Isotopic Fingerprinting Pre-programmed & remotely operated CZT Drone Surveillance of Contaminated land/structures”, T Scott, University of Bristol Nuclear Centre 2010 NDA Bursary supported PhD “A 3-D Integrated Gamma-Ray and Vision System”, J Dormand, University of Liverpool, completed 2014 Also?

Rapid and Automated Analytical Techniques (1) Industry Need - Faster and more cost-effective analysis to support decommissioning - Improved supply chain capacity to support NPP operations and decommissioning 2013 NDA Bursary supported PhD “Rapid and Accurate Assessment of Radiologically Contaminated Rubble”, Imperial College, London, in- progress 2010 NDA supported PhD: “Using the Latest Generation Plasma Spectrometers for Nuclear Waste Characterization”, Dr B Russell University Of Southampton (GAU) -complete 7

Rapid and Automated Analytical Techniques (2) 8 Courtesy of E.C. Stokes, J.J Andrew, I.A. Fallis, C.R. Harvey and S.J.A. Pope School Of Chemistry, Cardiff University 2012 NDA Bursary supported PhD “Rapid 90 Sr Determination by Improved Liquid Scintillation Counting”, University of Cardiff – in progress

Automated separation system Automated pre- concentration system Integrated analytical system Hardware development Software development TDK separation model System validation Integrated validation model Rapid and Automated Analytical Techniques (3) NDA Bursary supported PhD “Development of Robust Automated Techniques for Radionuclide Separation”, F Burrell, University of Southampton – in progress

Improved Metrology Industry Need: A source of certified reference materials to underpin existing and new techniques-analysis protocols to support the laboratory analysis of decommissioning waste materials, waste assay, and the surveillance of contaminated surfaces is needed. Most pressing for the support of decommissioning waste analysis NPL Decommissioning Workshops (2205/2012) highlighted the need to develop concrete, soil, oil (NAPL mixed wastes), and metal waste consensus reference materials (Gamma emitters, Am, Pu, U, 3 H 14 C, 90 Sr, 226 Ra). Challenges:  Development of processing methods that preserve the integrity of the sample radionuclides content – oil and metals?  What factors affect stability (oils), how can they be stabilised? 10