Windows Vista was one of the least successful versions of Microsoft Known for being sluggish Incompatibility with third-party software and hardware Heavy hardware requirements Constant, annoying security warnings
Unfortunately, due to the many problems with Vista, many users stuck with the familiar, but aged, Windows XP XP works well for many people, but it is weak in areas such as security and networking XP is 8 years old, the technological equivalent of a 20-year-old car
Mac OS has always been argued as better May still have slight edge because of its easier and cheaper upgrade path, built- in software programs, and less vulnerability to viruses Now it is more of a toss-up Now Apple will have to scramble, because Vista’s replacement is a reliable, elegant version of Windows….WINDOWS 7!
Taskbar Taller “Pin” icons of frequent use Your personal arrangement Aero Peek Hovering allows you to Preview program icon Close windows View empty desktop Jump List On task bar Menu of frequent actions and files Introducing…..WINDOWS 7
Libraries Consolidates regardless of folder Documents Pictures Music Videos Home Groups Easy file sharing Networking Easy viewing of available networks Snap Expand to full screen Drag to top of screen Shrink to half-screen Drag to left or right of screen Shake Hide windows you’re not working on And the perks keep coming…
Touch screen Levono Compatibility Mozilla Adobe Reader iTunes Safari Other Improvements › Faster start up and restart times › Option to reduce security warnings
Conveniently, Vista users will be able to upgrade to Windows 7 without losing anything XP users are not as lucky…they will have to wipe out their hard drives after backing up their files elsewhere, install Windows 7, restore their personal files, and then re-install all their programs
4 Editions of Windows 7 (of interest to consumers › Starter : limited version that comes pre- loaded on net books › Business : for people who need to tap remotely into company networks › Ultimate : mainly for techies who want every feature of all other editions › Home Premium : edition the average consumers will want and costs $120 for upgrades
Windows 7 is a good product that could help you improve your organization and efficiency in the workplace If you are a computer knowledgeable person with some business skills, this could be a good opportunity to open a support shop solely focused on helping people make the switch to Windows 7