Beacon Centre Taunton & Somerset NHS Foundation Trust Clinical Librarian Pilot 2010 Carol-Ann Regan
Beacon Centre
Literature Searching (finding the evidence) Unit-Based Information Skills Training (equipping staff to find the evidence) Dissemination of Information (circulating the evidence) Clinical Librarian
Practicalities Timetable Feb 2010 to July 2010 Desk space Publicity Integrating with the Team
How was the service used Literature searching Training Current awareness
Evaluation What did you use the Clinical Librarian service for? What was the value of the service to you? What could be done to improve the service? Please provide any other comments about the service
End of Pilot: Where are we now? Extension on reduced hours Funding (Macmillan or other?) June 2011 June hour post 2 years 15 hour post 2 years Musgrove Leukaemia Group Somerset Musgrove Leukaemia Group Somerset Beacon funds Beacon funds
Reflections 6 months too short Out of comfort zone Back up of library service essential Evidence folder Exciting, demanding, hard work