My Learning Plan Enhancing the student portfolio experience.


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Presentation transcript:

My Learning Plan Enhancing the student portfolio experience

Purpose of Student goals In order to make portfolios be a more meaningful initiative, the student goal sheet will help students make their classes more personal and focus their own learning.

My Goal is….. Goal should be a PERSONAL ACADEMIC GOAL as it pertains to the class

My target date is….. End of the card marking End of the semester

To reach my goal, I will do these 3 things… As a group generate some ideas about HOW the goals could be reached

I will know I’ve reached my goal because… Explain how you will monitor your own progress. How will you know when you met your goal?

2 things that will help me stick to reaching my goal are… Who and what do you need to reach your goals?

End of the card-making reflections In the spaces provided, evaluate your progress in meeting your goals. Assess whether you have reached it or how close you are to reaching your goals. Discuss if you stuck to your plan and what needs to be changed.