English around the world Unit 2 Using language (1)
Do you know how many dialects there are in China? Can you say a sentence in different dialects. Give an example.
北方方言 吴语 闽南语 客家话 湘语 赣语 粤语 Chinese dialect family in China
English in different countries Do you think there are some dialects in English? Britain the USA Canada Australia India New Zealand
Fast reading Read the text on page 13 quickly and answer the question. Is there standard English?
Read the text again and answer the following questions. How many dialects of American English have been listed in the text? 1.How many dialects of American English have been listed in the text? 2.Why do people from both Northeastern and Southeastern of U.S. speak with almost the same dialect? And what kind of dialect is it? 3.Why are there so many dialects in American English? Detailed Reading Mid-western, southern, African American, Spanish Because when Americans moved from one place to anther, they took their dialects with them. That’s because people come from all over the world. And geography plays a part in making dialects, too.
Language points 1.When we use words and expressions different from the “standard language”, … expression n. 词语;表示;表达;表情 “Shut up” is not a polite expression. The scenery was beautiful beyond expression. I sent them flowers as an expression of thanks. There was an expression of pain on her face.
2. Geography also plays a part in making dialects. play a part (in) 扮演一个角色;参与; 在... 中起作用 Lucy played a minor part in the new movie. He has played an important part in carrying through the whole plan.
3. Although many Americans move lot, they still recognize and understand each other’s dialects. recognize vt. 辨认出;承认;公认 He looked at the envelope and recognized Jenny's handwriting immediately. Many countries recognized the new government. I recognized that I had made a mistake. The government recognized his outstanding service by giving him a medal.
identify, recognize, make out 这些动词 均含 “ 认出、识别 ” 之意。 identify: 指辨别、确定人的身份或物 品的归属等。 recognize: 指所辨认的人或物多是以前 所熟悉的。 make out: 通常指通过人的感觉器官来 辨别事物。
Sentence stress is the music of spoken English. Like word stress, sentence stress can help you to understand spoken English, especially when spoken fast. Sentence stress is accent on certain words within a sentence. Sentence Stress in English
Read the sentences, paying attention to different sentence stresses. The 'chairman may resign. The chairman may 'resign. The chairman 'may resign. I want to eat 'chocolate cake every day. I want to eat chocolate cake every 'day.
When pitch, stress and length variations are tied to the sentence rather than to the word, they are collectively known as intonation. English has three types of intonation that are most frequently used: falling tone (matter of fact statement) rising tone (doubts or question) the fall-rise tone (implied message) Intonation in English
A: Are you Mr. Blake ? B: Yes. (↙) A: Room twenty-six . A: Are you Mr. Blake ? B: Yes ?(↗) A: Ah , the secretary would like a word with you. Intonation plays an important role in the conveyance of meaning in almost every language, esp. in English. Look at the two examples.
Buford speaks a southern dialect of American English and with an East Texas accent while his teacher, Jane, speaks British English. Listen and answer the questions. Why does Buford not think Texas is a state in the USA?
Listen and put these sentences in the right sequence. Lester climbed a tree Buford, Billy Bob and Lester went swimming Lester thought the catfish would eat him Buford and Billy Bob laughed Lester saw a catfish Now Lester is too afraid to visit the place
Answer the questions after listening. (P14) 1.What does Buford think of Texas? How do you know? 2.How long was the catfish? He believes it’s almost a different country from the USA. The listening text tells us. The boys thought that the catfish was almost the size of a house.
3. Why did Lester get out of the water so quickly? 4. Why did Buford and Big Billy Bob laugh? He thought the catfish would eat him. They laughed because Lester believed the catfish would hurt him.
Have you ever met a foreigner in public? Have you ever given directions to a foreigner? Can you recognize what kind of English the speaker uses?
Form a group in three, and make a dialogue according to the following map, trying to use the words that are different in Britain English and American English as many as possible.
Student A is from American and doesn’t know the directions, so asks Student C for help, but doesn’t know British well. Student B is a speaker of British English, but knows both American and British English. Retell C’s words to A. Student C is the native British there and is familiar with the directions, but doesn’t know American English.
American EnglishBritish English subwayunderground leftleft-hand side keep going straightgo straight on two blockstwo streets rightright-hand site movie film barpub the first floorground floor
How do you learn English? Have you got any problems learning English? How do you solve your problems? What is your goal that you want to achieve? Free talk
My problems Ideas for improvement Why I like English My future with English.. My experience of learning English Fill in the chart after discussing in pairs.
Why should we learn English? World trade is done in English. International organizations use English. Enjoy English original literature. …
Write a passage Title: Why should we learn English? Words: at least 100. Content: Paragraph 1 The importance of English in today’s life. Paragraph 2 The benefits of understanding English. Paragraph 3 What I like about learning English and how to learn it well.
1. Finish the writing. 2. Preview Reading task in Workbook.