20 th Microlensing Workshop Spitzer Microlens Detection of a Massive Remnant in a Well-separated Binary Yossi Shvartzvald Jet Propulsion Laboratory, California Institute of Technology
20 th Microlensing Workshop Observed Stellar Remnants Single: No single stellar BH detected! A few hundreds NS (pulsars) Binaries: X-ray binaries: ~75% BH, ~25% NS 22 Galactic BHs (Tetarenko+2015) 5% of NS are in a binary system OB stars – over 70% in binaries (Raghavan+2010)
20 th Microlensing Workshop Observed Stellar Remnants Fryer 2013 Single: No single stellar BH detected! A few hundreds NS (pulsars) Binaries: X-ray binaries: ~75% BH, ~25% NS 22 Galactic BHs (Tetarenko+2015) 5% of NS are in a binary system OB stars – over 70% in binaries (Raghavan+2010)
20 th Microlensing Workshop All with P a<0.5AU Typical P a<0.1AU BH X-ray binaries – Periods Corral-Santana+2015 ?
20 th Microlensing Workshop BH X-ray binaries – Galactic distribution Corral-Santana+2015
20 th Microlensing Workshop Estimates: ~1% of events are BH and 3% are NS (Gould 2000) Mass measurement: Single lens BHs candidates ( measurement) : MACHO candidates (Poindexter 2005) OGLE - see Wyrzykowski and Rybicki talks on Friday Measure : Finite source size: Astrometric microlensng – see Nucita talk on Friday Interferometric observations – see Ranc talks on Friday Microlensing – single lens detection
20 th Microlensing Workshop Large caustics – measurement => Microlens parallax bias: Microlensing - binary BHs
20 th Microlensing Workshop Large caustics – measurement => Microlens parallax bias: Microlensing planets (orbital parallax): 40% with measurement bias to disk planets Microlensing - binary BHs
20 th Microlensing Workshop Large caustics – measurement => Microlens parallax bias: Microlensing planets (orbital parallax): 40% with measurement bias to disk planets Microlens parallax satellite: Spitzer, Kepler,WFIRST Microlensing - binary BHs
20 th Microlensing Workshop Microlensing - binary BHs Large caustics – measurement => Microlens parallax bias: Microlensing planets (orbital parallax): 40% with measurement bias to disk planets Microlens parallax satellite: Spitzer, Kepler,WFIRST
20 th Microlensing Workshop OGLE-2015-BLG-1285: light curve Shvartzvald+2015
20 th Microlensing Workshop OGLE-2015-BLG-1285: UKIRT/Wise fields UKIRT/WFCAM microlensing survey: Mauna Kea, 0.2 deg 2 FOV, 0.4’’/pix, H band June 6 – July 15, 5 obs/night, covering 3.4 deg 2 Northern bulge – high extinction 23 OGLE events 12 events observed by Spitzer (pilot) NIR survey: NIR microlensing event rate Source luminosity function 2016 UKIRT support of K2 campaign
20 th Microlensing Workshop OGLE-2015-BLG-1285: UKIRT/Wise fields UKIRT photometry pipeline: PSF photometry (SExtractor +PSFex) >4 million sources ~2% photometric precision
20 th Microlensing Workshop OGLE-2015-BLG-1285: Topologies One symmetric anomaly – limited caustic structures Shvartzvald+2015
20 th Microlensing Workshop OGLE-2015-BLG-1285: parallax Shvartzvald+2015
20 th Microlensing Workshop OGLE-2015-BLG-1285: parallax
20 th Microlensing Workshop OGLE-2015-BLG-1285: parallax 1D degeneracy: need for two caustic crossing – implication for future surveys resolvable with future measurement of proper motion direction Shvartzvald+2015
20 th Microlensing Workshop OGLE-2015-BLG-1285: parallax Compare to previous parallax measurements:
20 th Microlensing Workshop OGLE-2015-BLG-1285: parallax Compare to previous parallax measurements: The smallest microlens parallax measured!
20 th Microlensing Workshop CMD: Highly extincted field OGLE-2015-BLG-1285: Chromatic constraints (V-I) [OGLE]
20 th Microlensing Workshop OGLE-2015-BLG-1285: Chromatic constraints (I-H) [OGLE-UKIRT] CMD: Highly extincted field I [OGLE]- H [UKIRT] Shvartzvald+2015
20 th Microlensing Workshop (I-H) [OGLE-UKIRT] OGLE-2015-BLG-1285: Chromatic constraints CMD: Highly extincted field I [OGLE]- H [UKIRT] Source color same as base: Support - Also from astrometric constraints No blue light!! - rules out early-type main-sequence lenses Shvartzvald+2015
20 th Microlensing Workshop OGLE-2015-BLG-1285: Physical properties No blue light!! Shvartzvald+2015
20 th Microlensing Workshop OGLE-2015-BLG-1285: Physical properties Fryer 2013 Shvartzvald+2015
20 th Microlensing Workshop OGLE-2015-BLG-1285: Physical properties ? Shvartzvald+2015
20 th Microlensing Workshop OGLE-2015-BLG-1285: Physical properties P orb ~ 9 yrs log P orb (h) = 4.9 Shvartzvald+2015
20 th Microlensing Workshop Prospects for future space microlensing Spitzer 2016 (+...): Higher cadence Longer observation Kepler K2C9: Importance for continuous ground-based coverage of the entire K2C9 footprint WFIRST: ~500 BH events and ~1500 NS events Fully explore the stellar remnants mass distribution Including binaries at a few AU
20 th Microlensing Workshop Conclusions Microlensing can detect stellar remnants in wide binaries An unexplored field by any other technique currently Microlens parallax satellite is crucial High cadence and continuous coverage are essential OGLE-1285: best microlensing stellar remnant candidate M>1.35M ʘ (80% probability), no blue light! Smallest parallax measurement ever Can be confirmed with future observations UKIRT : NIR survey - a key preparation program for WFIRST