Will Germ-x Keep Bread From Molding? By Morgan and Dalton
Purpose The reason we are doing this project is to see if hand sanitizer will prevent bread from molding if you also put dirt all over it and put it in a zip lock bag to see what it’ll do after two weeks of school days.
We think that the bread’s not going to mold with hand sanitizer on it because hand sanitizer gets rid of germs and dirt and all that other germy you get on yourself. Hypothesis
Materials 3 slices of bread Red sharpie Germs and dirt Germ-x 3 zip lock bags
Step 1-Get three pieces of bread, then put the control which is the piece you don’t do anything with in one zip lock bag. Step 2- Then, wipe your hand on another piece and get as many germs off the floor on it as you can then put it in the second zip lock bag. Label the bag bread with germs. Step 3- Take the third piece of bread and get germs on it then put I squirt of germ-x all over it then put it in the last zip lock bag. Label the bag bread with germ-x. Step-4 Add water to the bread and hang it back up to see if it will do anything. Step 5- Check for signs of molding every other day. Procedure
Day 1- no signs of mold on any bread Day 3- no signs of mold on any bread Day 5- no signs of mold on any bread Day 7- no signs of mold on any bread Day 9- we saw a little spot on corner of bread with germs. Results
Well the bread touched with hands got one little piece of mold on the middle of one side of the bread. Our hypothesis was partly correct on the bread not molding if you put germs and dirt from the floor on the piece of bread then put one squirt of germ-x on it. The piece of bread we didn’t do anything with didn’t mold either and it was probably because the bread had gotten really stale. If we tried this again, we would leave out in the open and not in a bag so air would get to it. Conclusion
We’d like to thank the cooks for giving us the bread and Mrs. Schaal for giving us the bags. We need to thank Mrs. Larsen for the germ-x. Acknowledgements