Pronouns Freshman
Lesson 1
Pronoun & Antecedent 0 Pronoun 0 Definition: a word used to take the place of a noun. 0 Antecedent 0 Definition: the noun/word that the pronoun replaces.
Personal Pronouns 0 Pronouns that refer to the person speaking (1 st ), the person spoken to (2 nd ), or the person, place, or thing being spoken about (3 rd ). 0 Example: I did not like your dad when he called me a bad influence on you! 1 st Person2 nd Person3 rd Person SingularI, me, my, mineyou, your, yours he, him, his, she, her, hers, it, its Pluralus, we, our, ours you, your, yours, y’all, y’alls they, them, their, theirs
Possessive Personal Pronouns 0 Personal pronouns that show ownership or possession. 0 Example: Give us back our trophy! 0 Example: His conscience was bothering him after he lied to his mom. 1 st Person2 nd Person3 rd Person Singularmy, mineyour, yourshis, her, hers, its Pluralour, oursyour, yours, y’alls their, theirs
Reflexive & Intensive Pronouns 0 End in “self” or “selves” 1 st Person2 nd Person3 rd Person Singularmyselfyourselfhimself, herself, itself Pluralourselvesyourselvesthemselves
Reflexive or Intensive? 0 Reflexive Definition: Adds information to the sentence by pointing back to a noun or pronoun earlier in the sentence. 0 Example: Tom fixed himself a bedtime snack. 0 Intensive Definition: Simply adds emphasis to a noun or pronoun in the same sentence. 0 Example: Mom fixed the car herself.
Personal Pronouns
Directions: Identify the personal pronouns & their antecedents in each sentence. 0 Michael, are you going to eat all your food? 0 Since Lisa has a pool at her house, she is very popular. 0 The dog scratched its ears for an hour straight! 0 Is that cookie yours? 0 Telling the twins Tina and Lucy apart is impossible unless I memorize their clothes. 0 The students all forgot to study for their quiz. 0 Jimmy left his wallet at home and was not able to buy his girlfriend her dinner.
Lesson 14
Relative Pronouns 0 Pronouns that begin a subordinate clause (group of words with a subject and verb that could not be a sentence on it’s own) and connects it to another idea in the sentence. 0 Example: Here is the girl whom I want you to meet. 0 Example: The assignment, which was very easy, was fun! 0 Example: Where is the picture that you painted? Relative Pronouns that, which, who, whom, whose
Demonstrative Pronouns 0 Pronouns that direct attention to specific people, places, or things. 0 Example: Is this the cookie you wanted? 0 Example: Those children are very mean. 0 Example: This is my first day of school. Demonstrative Pronouns Singularthis, that Pluralthese, those
Interrogative Pronouns 0 Pronouns used to begin a question. 0 Not all pronouns used in questions are interrogative pronouns 0 Example: Who told you the secret? 0 Example: Whom did you meet at the White House? 0 Example: Which of the essays is yours? Interrogative Pronouns what, which, who, whom, whose
Indefinite Pronouns 0 Pronouns that refer to people, places, or things that are often not specific. 0 Remember not to use the word “one” as a number 0 Example: None of the kids had much to eat. 0 Example: Give all of the tickets to everyone in the streets Indefinite Pronouns Singularanother, anybody, anyone, anything, each, either, everybody, everyone, everything, little, much, neither, nobody, no one, nothing, one, other, somebody, someone, something Pluralboth, few, many, others, several Singular or Pluralall, any, more, most, none, some
Sources 0 Prentice Hall Writing & Grammar: Grammar Exercise Workbook 9 0 Prentice Hall Writing & Grammar: Grammar Exercise Workbook 10