2014 Accreditation Updates Our mission: HIPPY partners with parents to prepare their children for success in school.
2014 Accreditation Updates Updates to the accreditation process and standards are being adopted after working with our State Directors, National Trainers and aligning the process with other accreditations in the ECE field. Changes to the accreditation process make the process more flexible and individualized for different programs. Changes to the standards help to decrease duplication and improve clarity and help us to increase accountability and maintain alignment with best practices.
Updated processes, forms and standards
Updating processes Large programs (with multiple sites/coordinators) may choose to go through accreditation as a one site or as individual sites Accreditation will be awarded on a 3 year cycle Accreditation will be awarded to the agency not the coordinator New sites may go through accreditation in their 2 nd year if they choose
Updated forms Programs just need to report the total number of families. Anything that has been updated on these worksheets is blue.
Updated forms
Some standards have been combined, or reworded for clarity. Program self assessment is separate from trainers comments. Trainer VERIFIES and makes recommendations, comments and strategies. Items that are observed by the trainer and do not require documentation are separated combined reworded
Role play
Home visits
Group meetings
Group meeting planning form
Home Visitors
Administration-measuring outcomes An evaluation plan can be very simple or very detailed. A good plan would include: Who will be assessed. Parent and children will be assessed. What assessments will be collected. Parents will be given the HIPPY Parent Involvement Survey. Children will be given the ASQ and Bracken. When assessments will be collected. Assessments will be given during the intake process and again in week of the program (or earlier if family leaves the program earlier). How assessments will be analyzed. Pre and post assessments will be analyzed for trends. All data will be sent to HIPPY USA by May 30.
Administration-measuring outcomes Texas HIPPY has the following process…
Administration-employee manual
A model small business handbook can be found at: handbook.pdf Or an interactive employees handbook template can be found at: handbook.pdf handbook.pdf Administration-employee manual
Your job as a coordinator Provide EVIDENCE that you are meeting 100% of the HIPPY Accreditation Standards. Show off what a GREAT JOB you are doing. Learn and grow! Continue to provide excellent services to families.
Preparing for your visit: Select self-assessment team Agency Supervisor Coordinator Home Visitor Parent Others?
Preparing for your visit: Complete self assessment Use checklists in addition to the accreditation worksheet to determine: Can an outsider look at your documents and VERIFY that you are meeting 100% of the standards? Can an outsider attend your staff meetings, home visits, and group meetings and VERIFY that you are following the HIPPY model?
Completing your self-assessment Fill in all the blanks (If we didn’t want it we wouldn’t ask for it) How many families identify as Hispanic/Latino? These numbers should be the same.
Cover sheets may help you to organize your materials. **Anything that has been updated on these worksheets is blue.
Cover sheets may help you to organize your materials.
Remember… If you are following the HIPPY model and have DOCUMENTED that, you have nothing to worry about. Your Trainer is there to VERIFY that you are meeting the standards…and/or to SUPPORT you in better understanding what is expected.
Your National trainer is your…
In the end, remember to: