Thursday, September 3rd, 2015
Materials: 1 sticky note & a writing utensil On your sticky: write three things you learned about this summer, and briefly explain each. Rotation 1: Find someone in the room you know. Pick one “Learned About…” from your list and explain to each other. Rotation 2: Find someone in the room born in the same month as you. Pick one “Learned About…” from your list (same OR different) and explain to each other. Rotation 3: Find someone in the room with the same number of siblings as you. Pick one “Learned About…” from your list (same OR different) and explain to each other. Debrief
Today is your last first day of high school Today you will write a letter that you will read... on your last last day of high school You will hand-write a rough draft. Start it with the phrase, "Dear me," In the letter, write your goals for senior year (academic, social, sports, clubs, etc.), goals for the future (aka what happens once you cross the stage at PLU in June), and how you plan to achieve these goals Be specific and honest! Hand-write at least one full piece of notebook paper (single-spaced)
start of class Tuesday, September 8th This will hang in the classroom for awhile, and be given to you on the last day of class! Be creative!! Use markers, pens, glitter... Anything you want! Be anonymous. Sign your letter “Me” and hand-write your name on the back!