Study day, final exam Wednesday, December 9, 2015
Wednesday, 12/9 EQ: What are the admission requirements for my top three colleges? Pick up a yellow piece of paper and write the following: Name List your classes and write your current grade for each. Itemize the three goals (very specific)you will accomplish this period and the evidence you will provide showing you have accomplished your goals. You have five minutes to accomplish these tasks (I will sign off on them) We will reflect at the end of class. The yellow sheet will be your tutorial grade for today. Upcoming dates… Friday, 12/11 planner, grade, CN, and binder checks Friday, 12/11 – final exam due at the end of the period Monday, 12/14 – Winter wonderland part in the library (6:00 pm to 7:30). Tuesday, 12/15 – Holiday feast and secret Santa exchange,
Study Time/Final Exam