3 rd RSIH&SWA Workshop – Morelia, Mexico – 24 October 2015 New Opportunities for IPS - A Personal Perspective M.M. Bisi (1). (1) RAL Space, Science and Technology Facilities Council, Rutherford Appleton Laboratory, Harwell Oxford, Didcot, Oxfordshire, OX11 0QX, England, UK
Outline Change of Plan! My more-general thoughts with some highlights Final IPSCDFv1.0? Next Meetings Summary
Change of Plan!
New Plan for this Talk Originally was going to go into some detail on a few key science areas and then note several other options. Discussions during the week have been very productive, positive, and indeed wanting to drive many avenues forward in using/developing IPS further. New plan is to simply list (non-exhaustive – but my main feelings of opportunities out there for IPS) a longer list of wider ideas, some of which we have already discussed, while talking a little more around some of them as highlighted…
My more-general thoughts with some highlights
What (01) Solar Orbiter and Solar Probe +. Tomography and 3-D MHD models (driving and data assimilation techniques). Consolidated analyses for space weather purposes including the formal fitting of necessary parameters. IPSCDFv1.0 and potential opportunities in the wider Heliophysics (and space weather) that might bring. SKA.
General Thoughts (2) Secondary Spectrum and/or phase scintillation (distance to scattering screen). Cross-frequency correlations (single- and multi-site). Exploring dynamic spectra. Turbulence and plasma physics. Variations in scale sizes with distance from the Sun and what that means with dual-frequency correlations.
General Thoughts (3) Need to find more-consolidated ways to obtain funding – independently, together, and as a world-wide observatory! Worldwide observatory (current facilities and/or new). Space-weather forecasting. Combinations with FR? Tomography and driven-MHD codes as unified world-wide IPS forecast tools.
Final IPSCDFv1.0?
Proposed addition of various parameters/columns as discussed on Tuesday of this week which will complete the plain-text ASCII format as the IPS Common Data Format v1.0 (IPSCDFv1.0) for full implementation and use by all: DateMid-obs-UTObsLSystemCent. Obs. Freq. Obs. BandwidthSourceSrc. Size RA-J2000DC-J2000Limb Dist. Lat.PAElong.Vel.V-err g-valueg-errMethodVel.V-err g-valueg-errMethod
Next Meetings
IPS Workshop 2016 (two years is too long) – perhaps in Pushchino (near Moscow), Russia (enquiries and negotiations are under way). Backup at UCSD a few days before the 2016 Fall AGU; or something around the SWW in Colorado? Remote-Sensing Workshop – RAL Space, England, UK (or nearby) in 2017?
What now? Let us ALL work together to usher in the “New Golden Age of IPS” where IPS goes from strength to strength for coronal and heliospheric science and for space-weather forecasting!