Unit 18 Inventions Inventions around us 357x342 36k jpg.


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Presentation transcript:

Unit 18 Inventions

Inventions around us 357x342 36k jpg

Samuel Morse Thomas Edison Seismograph electric telegraph Morse code Light bulb invented

200x275 10k jpg 求知:数学悖论与三次数学危机 —... 求知:数学悖论与三次数学危机 — x516 50k jpg Albert Einstein Discovered: Theory of Relativity Issac Newton Discovered: The law of universal gravitation

Benjamin Franklin  lightening rod

What do the inventors have in common? Creative thinking Creativity

1.Were they born creative? 2.What is creativity? 3.How can we become more creative? Creativity is not about getting high test scores, having a high IQ or being smart. Instead, it is one of the most highly valued skills in society, is a matter of habits. By thinking about the way we think and practicing good thinking strategies.

Throughout history, great persons have made ____________to society by using ________________________________. Great thinker do dot __________________. Despite different _____________, they all share ______________which is a___________ skills in society.It is a matter of _________, which can be developed by thinking about _______________________ and practice _______________________ contributions their creativity and imagination have much in common background creative thinking the way we think good thinking strategy highly valued habits

good thinking strategies/habits:  Think outside the box (框外思考)  Take another look at it (换个角度看问题)  Make connections (联想)  Keeping trying (不断试验)

1.A plane crashed. Why was nobody in the plane injured? 2.Mr.Wang has to shave forty or fifty times a day.Why is mustache( 胡子 ) still on his face? 3.Why are the soldiers tired in April? Think outside the box:

1. What is “ to think outside the box ” ? 2. Why should we “think outside the box ” ? To try new ways to solve a problem. Rephrase …Allow for creative solutions, try …. what we know and what we have learnt may also limit our thinking. If we only look for.. and reject ideas… we may get stuck. 3. What’s the author’s opinion about partial solutions and failures? Partial solutions, and even failures, give us more information and clues that help us move towards a better solution. Think outside the box:

To be successful, ________ and _______ are important, but they may also ____ our thinking. So we should think ____________ while _______a problem. That is, to _______ a problem and _________creative solutions. We may get ______ unless we don’t ______ ideas that do not provide a complete answer. Partial solutions and even _______ help us move towards a better solution. So to explore new possibilities we should make a _______ effort to________________ old thought patterns. knowledge learning failures break away from allow for reject limit Think outside the box: rephrase conscious outside the box solving stuck

look at a problem in as many ways as possible.

If we look at problems in as many ways as possible, we may ________ A.find solutions that would otherwise remain invisible B. have a series of different attempts and false starts C. improve our understanding D. find it easy to discover new possibilities. Take another look at it

If we look at problems in as many ways as possible, we may ________ A. find solutions B. have C. improve D. find it easy Take another look at it

A change in _________ may lead to good solutions and new ideas. Solutions would remain _______/_______, but creative thinkers can make them visible by looking at problems in as __________ as possible. Besides, a _______or a _____ can make something visible too. The process includes a series of ________and several false starts, but each new way makes it easier for us to discover new _________. perception invisible many ways attempts possibilities drawing model Take another look at it hidden

+ visual phone + heating wires electric blanket Make connections

1. Why should thinkers combine new and old ideas in as many ways as possible even make strange connections? 2. How do creative thinkers usually think of new applications and solutions? It is easy to limit the possibilities of a new idea by connecting it to only one area of our previous knowledge. By comparing and connecting ideas and objects in new ways Make connections

Why did some great inventors force themselves to develop new ideas even when they were tired or did not feel inspired? They all knew that for each new invention that works, there are at least ten (inventions) that do not (work). Keep trying 1.Good ideas often the result from a long process of trial and error. 2.From this paragraph we can see that failure is the mother of success.

1.Most inventors have a high IQ. 2.The things we know can sometimes make it more difficult for us to understand new ideas. 3.It is impossible to learn how to be creative. 4.The best way to find a good solution is to look for one good answer. 5.Inventors try to avoid failure. 6.The more ways we have of looking at a problem, the more likely it is that we can find a solution. 7.Most good ideas are result of long process of trial and error. T T T F F F F Not all /Only some possible as many answers as possible Inventers all know that for each new invention that works, there are at least ten that do not. True or False.

1 1.Another proper title for the text is probably___. A. creative thinking B.Great thinkers C. How to solve problems D. Connection 2. In the passage, the author does not______. A. criticizes our not being creative. B. offers different ways to be creative. C. describes the thinking strategies and explains how they work. D. encourages us to be creative. 3. The structure of the text is _______. A. B. C. D. Post-reading:

The examples have been mixed up.Can you place them in the right paragraph? 1.According to Leonardo da Vinci, problems which has seemed impossible could be solved if he changed the way he described the problem. 2.Thomas Edison made a rule saying that he had to make an invention every ten years. 3.Mozart wrote more than 600 pieces of music. 4.Einstein, who changed the world of physics forever with his Theory of Relativity, preferred images to numbers. 5. Samuel Morse, the man who invented the telegraph, got his idea by watching a rider exchange a tired horse for a new one. (para2) (para5) (para3) (para4)

Go through the exercises on Page 58. Preparation for listening

Listen to Dialogue 1 and answer the questions. Part 1 1. What are the advantages of Mr. Jones’ new invention? The new invention is clean and cheap.

2. How does it work? It’s a vehicle that doesn’t need an engine or fuel. The vehicle is powered by the person who uses it.

3. What can it be used for? The invention can be used as a means of transportation, instead of cars and buses.

4. Why does the patent officer not want to give Mr. Jones a patent? The patent officer won’t give the man a patent because the vehicle described by the inventor has already been invented ---- it’s a bike.

Part 2 Listen to Dialogue 2 on the tape and answer the questions below.

1. What has Mr. Butler invented? He invented a device for helping people carry heavy objects. 2. Why did he invent it? He was tired of carrying heavy grocery bags/ He got the idea when he saw a woman carrying some heavy bags. 1. What has Mr. Butler invented? He invented a device for helping people carry heavy objects. 2. Why did he invent it? He was tired of carrying heavy grocery bags/ He got the idea when he saw a woman carrying some heavy bags.

3. How does it work? If you put the bags into a large bucket of water. The bags will float and you won’t have to carry them. 3. How does it work? If you put the bags into a large bucket of water. The bags will float and you won’t have to carry them.

4. Why does the patent officer not want give Mr. Butler a patent? The patent officer won’t give the man a patent because his idea doesn’t work--- you would still have to carry the large buckets 4. Why does the patent officer not want give Mr. Butler a patent? The patent officer won’t give the man a patent because his idea doesn’t work--- you would still have to carry the large buckets

1 .纵观历史,伟大思想家用他们的创造力和想象力改变了世界. 2.有着不同的文化背景,这些思想家看似没有太多共同点. 3.创造型思维,这种社会评价极高的技能,实际上是种习惯. 4.通过思考一下我们的思维方式,训练好的思维策略,我们也能 更具创造力. 5.发明家常常会换一种说法来表述一个问题,考虑那些有创造 性 的解决方法,尝试一些 “ 不可能的 ” 或者 “ 不实际的 ” 的解决方法。 6.创造型思维是摆脱旧的思维模式、探索新的可能性的自觉能力 7. 通过尽可能多的角度看待一个问题,富有创造力的思考者可以发 现在其他情况下可能察觉不了的答案。 8. 正如突破常规思考一样,这个换个角度看问题的过程涉及到一系 列不同的尝试和一些错误的开端。 9. 每一种看待问题的新方法都家生我们的理解,使我们更容易发现 新的可能性。 10. 伟大的思想家意识到如果只是联系以前所学知识的某一方面,新 思维产生的可能性就会受到限制。 11. 用新方法对事物进行比较联系,富有创造力的思想就能想到新的 应用和解决方法 12. 好的思路决非偶然,它们是长期实验与犯错误的结果。