Cracking the DBQ Essay How to get a 6 without really trying.
Requirements of the DBQ Thesis statement – Step up to the BAR Background on the question. Argument (Thesis) Road Map ** Make sure your thesis statement is explicit and that it addresses the question being asked.
Threes Groups of three POV’s Who’s the author, how does this affect their view, what is the context of the document (for whom and under what conditions was the document produced?) Groups of documents – at least three groups of 2 documents. 3 comparisons. ** On the DBQ essay, make sure you use all but one of the documents.
Using the Documents Analyze the documents! Determine the perspective of the author (Who, what, when, where, why) Group documents in at least three groups of two documents each. Use documents to support your argument (thesis) Attribution – cite document parenthetically at the end of the sentence (i.e. (doc 3)).
Additional documents Rule of Three Put it where it fits. Use it to support your thesis. Don’t ask for an additional document like the ones that are already provided (i.e. don’t ask for a journal of a merchant if one is given as one of the original documents).
What you need to include as a minimum. Thesis – BAR – Explicit – Not split! Use all but one document Group the documents in threes Analyze the documents Determine the perspective (POV) of AT LEAST 3 documents. Add an additional document – Try for 3! Answer the question fully!
In conclusion…… Write a conclusion! Why? You will have 40 minutes to write your DBQ. It does not have to be the final draft, but, it must include all of the items we just went over. As you are reviewing the documents, jot down a quick outline – It will help you stay on track.