World History/Geo Monday Sept 14, 2015 WARM UP: IN WHAT WAYS DOES COLORADO SPRINGS HAVE CHARACTER? Learning Objective: Students will analyze documents to get a better understanding of the ways our “space” has character in order to write a well developed essay on the topic.
How does our “space” have character?
What is a DBQ? DBQ: document-based question Analyze documents to answer questions Prepares you to write an essay that answers the DBQ’s essential question Our essential question is “ In what way does our “space” have character?” Take a look at our DBQ and student packet
The Hook Complete the hook exercise by matching the visuals with the place they belong. Draw a line that connects the location to the visual The first one is a beach!! Answer the questions on the back of the hook exercise Be prepared to share your answers with the class
Background Essay Questions Follow along as I read allowed. Remember to look for clues to why our “space” may have character After reading the background essay, answer the questions in your student packet Be ready to share out your answers
Pre Bucketing This is the time to think about how we may answer the question. Will the question be answered with ideas, or places, or objects? Each bucket represents a different way to answer the question How will our question be answered? With characteristics! So your “buckets” will be characteristic 1, characteristic 2, 3, and 4 We do not know the characters yet, but we will refer back to our buckets as they come up!
Document A Lets read document A together, I know it is a little hard to see! Now lets answer the questions. As we answer them as a class, write down the answers in your notebook
Document B America the Beautiful America the Beautiful After listening to the song and seeing the magnificent sights at the top of Pikes Peak, Answer the questions for Doc B Write your answers in your notebook Also take notes that may help you write your essay
Document C Complete document C in partners Then together as a class we will share our answers Write your answers in your notebook Also take notes that may help you write your essay
Document D Complete document D in partners Then together as a class we will share our answers Write your answers in your notebook Also take notes that may help you write your essay
Document E Complete document E in partners Then together as a class we will share our answers Write your answers in your notebook Also take notes that may help you write your essay
Post Bucketing Now that we have read all the documents, Fill in the four categories relating to each of the documents Create your chickenfoot Your chickenfoot will be come your thesis statement. On the leg, write your claim that will begin to answer the question. On the ties, write the name of your buckets. Choose three you wish to write about in your paper. Keep your top reason for the last toe (Paragraph)