Exceptional Events Submittals WESTAR Fall Business Meeting Salt Lake City, Utah October 29,
Region 6 Exceptional Events StateNumber demonstrations received Exceedence yearStatus New Mexico22008, – nearing concurrence; 2008 – Still in development* *Notes: Submittal for 2008 was prepared prior to draft EPA guidance, and some elements are being updated to conform to draft guidance For further information: Contact Michael Baca (575)
Region 8 Exceptional Event Demonstrations Status (data since Exceptional Events Rule became effective in May 2007) Demonstration Type Number in House Pending Review Number Completed, Concurred Number Completed, with Non-concurrence PM-High Wind1930 PM-Wildfire330 PM-Fireworks240 Ozone- Stratospheric200 Ozone-Wildfire100 SO2-Other100 R8 Totals28100 More Information?: Contact Richard Payton, EPA Region 8, (303) Total Official Submissions: 38 Prioritization for Pending Reviews: High priority packages currently are those which impact Utah PM2.5 nonattainment area SIP development or Colorado PM10 maintenance areas up for 5 year maintenance plan update; the remainder are currently of lower priority 3
Region 8 State Exceptional Event Demonstrations submitted (state information) StateNumber of Demonstrations submitted Demonstration types North Dakota0 South Dakota0 Montana3Wildfire; 1 concurrance Wyoming4WBdust, O3strat.int., SO2industrial Colorado8Dust Utah7Dust, fireworks, wildfire 4 Note: Discrepancy with R8 information undetermined
Region 9 Exceptional Events State# Demonstration Packages Received Jan. 1, June 30, 2012 data # EE Flags Jan. 1, June 30, 2012 data Arizona1 demonstration (Maricopa PM 10, concurred-upon; high wind events) 3,621 California4 demonstrations (three SJV PM 10, one Imperial PM 10 ; high wind events) 2,138 Hawaii14 quarterly demonstrations (Big Island PM 2.5 and SO 2 ; volcano events) 44,485 Nevada2 demonstrations (two Pahrump PM 10 ; high wind events) 284 Tribal1 demonstration (Gila River PM 10 ; high wind events) 5 More Information?: Contact Matt Lakin (EPA Region 9, ) NOTES: Some demonstrations are still in development, not all packages received are complete; most flags (non-SO 2 ) currently do not have documentation; not all flagged data are exceedances; often a single event has many flags (multiple measurements for a single averaging time, multiple sites, multiple monitors/site, multiple pollutants); Region 9 received >50 demonstration packages for events prior to Jan. 1, 2009, and took appropriate action on all complete demonstrations of regulatory significance (designations or redesignations). Example: Arizona had 544 PM 10 Exceedances (2009 to 2011), of which 367 were flagged (67%). Arizona submitted a complete demonstration for 30, and EPA concurred on 29 of those (as of Oct. 2012). 5
Region 10 Exceptional Events StateNumber of Demonstrations Submitted Demonstration Types Status Alaska2PM10Dust; PM2.5Fire Under Development Idaho0 Oregon0 Washington0 Notes: Eagle River (Anchorage) high wind speed dust 2007, 2009; Fairbanks, wildfire 2009 For more information, contact Justin Spenillo (206)