Chris Rothwell Office Client Product Marketing Manager Microsoft UK Andy Hutchins Infrastructure Architect Avanade UK
Collaboration evolution Working with Customers and Partners Introducing Office Groove Andy Hutchins – Avanade UK Questions
Partners CustomersAcquisitions Specialists Core Organisation
Globalisation Workforce Evolution Client Expectations Virtual Teams
“Effective collaboration depends upon information sharing, both internally among departments and externally with suppliers, retailers, and customers.” – The Butler Group
Ad hoc Fluid Narrow reach Short term Personal productivity, ad hoc communications Team projects and activities Team and department applications Enterprise processes StructuredStable Broad reach Long term
ExtranetExtranetFederationFederation Secure High investment Organisation Wide Long-termUnauthenticated Low Cost Few people Non-Durable GrooveGroove
Workspace based collaborative tool Rich-Client Secure Efficient Sync
Ad hoc Fluid Narrow reach Short term Personal productivity, ad hoc communications Team projects and activities Team and department applications Enterprise processes StructuredStable Broad reach Long term
Auditors Use peer-to-peer to keep in sync Keep customer data, forms, docs in one place InSource Partners Work in ‘Virtual Offices’ Reduced travel, increase billed hours Work with specialist contractors Avanade US Offshore software development Overcame network latency to keep teams in sync Issue tracking and team discussion OTB Solutions Overcame version control issues Secure lead tracking Increased home working – less travel 5-10% productivity gains Strategy Mapping Selling Global training organisation network 10-fold increase in revenues More affordable solutions MTG Management Consultants LLC Improved service through real-time feedback Cut travel costs by 20% Increased profits by 5% Qtr
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