Bring Your Own Device: eBooks and Apps Nancy Faget, Federal Librarian
Our laboratory is now an "open campus" with students, faculty, visiting scientists, and foreign nationals working in and around the library space. We have no idea which devices are being brought onto campus. Patrons are doctoral students, PostDocs, PhD who have a wide variety of their own devices.
Check out eBook readers ONLY to find out which apps and items recommended by the library staff 95% owned their own eBook readers Device fatigue What did we learn?
Collection Development Strategy in 2008 was to purchase eBooks as the default format. eBooks from sci-tech publishers that can be read on government issued devices (tablets, laptops, smartphones) Apps page migrated to a website behind the firewall
Apps Chemistry, Computer Science, Engineering, General (i.e. productivity, organization, qualitative/quantitative data) Database and vendor apps
App Sharing, For Example: Nuclear Wallets Cards Wolfram Alpha Adobe Reader (need to annotate PDFs) Evernote
Leverages the library subscription, but NOT available to libraries