Lab. Director’s Meeting IHEP, Protvino, Russia, 15-16 January 2008 D. Reistad, The Svedberg Laboratory, Uppsala University.


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Presentation transcript:

Lab. Director’s Meeting IHEP, Protvino, Russia, January 2008 D. Reistad, The Svedberg Laboratory, Uppsala University

Antiproton momentum, 1.5 –15 GeV/c Electron cooling up to 8.9 GeV/c (4.5 MeV electron energy) Stochastic cooling above 3.8 GeV/c High Energy Storage Ring HESR is presently being designed by a consortium consisting of FZ-Jülich, GSI and UU. Uppsala University has taken the responsibility for designing the high energy electron cooler. Target 4*10 15 H/cm2

Exit bend Entrance bend Return bend Return straight Interaction straight HESR Electron Cooler Magnet modules Energy (MeV) Current (Amp)1 Solenoid field (T)0.2/0.07 T Straightness (rad rms)10 -5 Interaction length24 m Bending radius4 m

Björn Gålnander, SFAIR-meeting, Electrostatic Accelerator Gun Collector Pellet chain HV solenoid High-voltage column based on Pelletron

Björn Gålnander, SFAIR-meeting, H - beam Magnetic spectrometer for precise energy control Absolute energy calibration by means of 7 Li(p,n)-reaction: E threshold =  kV (Standard for AMS)

M€ Pelletron2.840 High voltage tank0.750 Other equipment in high voltage tank1.315 magnet system4.799 power supplies0.574 vacuum chambers0.641 magnetic field measuring equipment, electron beam diagnostics, controls2.180 total hardware estimate manyears, travel3.500 TOTAL Cost estimate October 2007

We would like to invite partners, who want to realize this high-energy electron cooler together with us. All details are subject to negotiations.

Present situation in Sweden: Sweden has declared that it will contribute 10 M€. (We hope that this amount will be increased at least to 1 % of the full FAIR) Recent decisions: Stockholm University (MSL) gets 30 MSEK (3.2 M€) provided that CRYRING becomes LSR Funding agency (“Vetenskapsrådet”) is aware of cost of high- energy electron cooler. Uppsala University (TSL) gets prolongation of “salary guarantee” for staff until 31 May Also funds to realize and test prototype electron gun and collector.

Björn Gålnander, SFAIR-meeting, Gun and Collector Design Anode voltage26 kV Beam current1 A Cathode diameter10 mm Cathode field0.2 T Anode voltage26 kV Beam current1 A Cathode diameter10 mm Cathode field0.2 T Pulsed beam Fast closing of the gun Produce pencil beam Pulsed beam Fast closing of the gun Produce pencil beam Collector voltage3.5 kV Efficiency< % Secondary electrons are suppressed by a bent magnetic field Collector voltage3.5 kV Efficiency< % Secondary electrons are suppressed by a bent magnetic field