Compton Scattering from Deuterium above the Pion Production Threshold Collaboration Duke University Luke Myers Luke Myers Seth Henshaw Henry Weller University of Kentucky Mike Kovash University of Illinois Al Nathan George Washington University Jerry Feldman Jerry Feldman Lund University Kevin Fissum Lennart Isaksson Bent Schröder Jason Brudvik Kurt Hansen Magnus Lundin
Outline Current Compton scattering program at MAX-Lab Proton data at higher energies lack of comparable deuteron data Motivation EFT considerations exploit approved expt. on – photoproduction Proposed Experiment run plan (energies, angles, etc.) NaI detectors beamtime estimate Summary
Compton Scattering at Lund E = MeV using tagged photons energies: E = MeV using tagged photons two tagger settings: and MeV bin data in 7-8 MeV energy bins = 60°, 120°, 150°90° angles: = 60°, 120°, 150° (plus recent 90°) with 3 NaI detectors simultaneously detectors: 3 large-volume (50 cm 50 cm) NaI’s excellent photon energy resolution (E /E ~ 2%) BUNI: Boston Univ. CATS: Mainz Univ. UK: Univ. of Kentucky UK CATS BUNI 120 o
Kinematic Coverage x present work (18) SAL – Hornidge (5) Lund – Lundin (18) Illinois – Lucas (6)
79 MeV 87 MeV 70 MeV 96 MeV 105 MeV 112 MeV (,) = 11.3, 3.2 (= 2, = 2)
Proton Compton Scattering Data fit with N,, up to N 3 LO note unitarity cusp at MeV McGovern09
World Data Set Lucas – Illinois (1994) E = 49, 69 MeV Hornidge – SAL (2000) E = MeV Lundin – Lund (2003) E = 55, 66 MeV Myers – Lund (2010) E = MeV = 60 º, 120 º, 150 º
Motivation Lack of higher-energy deuteron data need analogous data to the proton data Theoretical considerations increased contribution from pion degrees of freedom importance of spin polarizabilities opening of new channel imaginary part sensitivity to pion production multipoles Exploit NaI detector setup already well tested commissioned and used extensively for neutron pol. Exploit – photoproduction expt. already approved proposal by K. Fissum matches energy range
Calculated Proton Cross Sections
Calculated Neutron Cross Sections
Experimental Plan measure at E = MeV bin data in 5 MeV energy bins measure at 3 angles = 60°, 150° + 1 other angle additional considerations tagging efficiency measurements lineshape measurements of NaI detectors (in-beam)
MeV Compton events can be identified above 138 MeV
Experimental Area at MAX-Lab CATS 60° BUNI 120° DIANA 150° Tagging Spectrometer
CATS NaI Detector 48 cm 27 cm Front View 64 cm Side View 2 MeV E = 100 MeV
Count Rate Estimate differential cross section () 12 nb/sr average value between 30° and 150° photon beam intensity: R = 450 kHz/MeV based on 750 kHz/channel and 20% tagging efficiency target thickness: t = xN 0 /A = 8.04 cm -2 LD 2 target linear thickness x = 16 cm solid angle: = 41 msr target-detector distance = 70 cm NaI entrance collimator diameter = 16 cm Count rate = () R t
Beam on Target Estimate need 1100 counts (foreground) for 3% statistics requires 314 hrs of running background from Kapton target windows measure with stack of 100 Kapton foils, then scale requires 24 hrs of running Count rate = 3.5 counts/hour/(5 MeV)
Beamtime Request DescriptionHours Measurements with LD Measurements with Kapton24 Detector setup/commission48 Tagging efficiency28 Lineshape measurements36 TOTAL450
Summary higher-energy Compton scattering from deuterium E = MeV in 5 MeV steps measure 3 angles Provide benchmark data for EFT calculations need data to match extensive proton results Exploit favorable circumstances existing NaI setup is well understood expt. with identical requirements is already approved Needed 450 hrs of beamtime (4 weeks – Already approved!)