Persuasion in the Workplace Based on Chapter 12, Goodall and Goodall Lynne Dahmen COM 2301: Advanced Speech
Continuum of Persuasion Brutal Rational Rational/ Emotional Mindful Strong Pathos LogosPathosEthos
Approaches to Speech Logos: Convince through logic Pathos: Convince through emotion Ethos: Convince through perceived expertise/credibility
When to ‘be brutal’… Little choice offered History of resistance or being closed Needs of audience less important than results One-on-one meeting needed Ability to convince relies greatly on authority Other negotiations have failed Main goal is compliance
Creating a Persuasive Message State the problem Cite supporting evidence Clearly state your proposal
Being Tactful but Brutal… Be sure it is the best approach Be kind to the audience Be considerate Be prepared Be firm
The Rational Approach Lead your audience to the best alternative You have an open/receptive audience Audience needs must be met Credibility relies on expertise Main goal is consensus
Implementing the Rational Approach Select a relevant organizational pattern Prepare your organizational chart Practice your presentation Develop relevant visual support Dress for credibility Be confident and enthusiastic
Goals for the Rational/Emotional Approach Call to action Open/receptive audience Must meet their needs (they may be ‘unaware’ of their needs) Ability to persuade lies with meeting emotional needs and personal credibility
What is a Needs Analysis? Identifying your audience and their attitudes Studying their requirements or expectations Incorporating this information into your presentation or message
How we conduct needs analysis… Primary and secondary research on the audience Analysis of previous products or decisions related to the group Observation of the audience
Working on a Motivated Sequence Get attention Demonstrate a need Confirm satisfaction Visualize satisfaction Call to action --McKerrow, Grombeck, Ehninger and Monroe, 2000
Mindful Communication You seek commitment to position, product, contract or candidate History of openness of audience Needs of your audience are important Credibility comes from authority/position as well as knowledge/expertise
Creating a Mindful Message Analyze the situation Adapt message to audience Evaluate feedback Take risks Listen consciously Provide feedback