Start Right… Stay Right Based on the book by Steve Ventura Animal Caretaker Certificate Course 2009 This workforce solution was funded by a grant awarded under the President’s Community-Based Job Training Grants as implemented by the U.S. Department of Labor’s Employment and Training Administration. The solution was created by the grantee and does not necessarily reflect the official position of the U.S. Department of Labor. The Department of Labor makes no guarantees, warranties, or assurances of any kind, express or implied, with respect to such information, including any information on linked sites and including, but not limited to, accuracy of the information or its completeness, timeliness, usefulness, adequacy, continued availability, or ownership. This solution is copyrighted by the institution that created it. Internal use by an organization and/or personal use by an individual for non-commercial purposes is permissible. All other uses require the prior authorization of the copyright owner.
Take Responsibility for Yourself Be accountable for your behavior and decisions At work… Choose how you conduct yourself Choose how you treat others Choose your “attitude” Choose to be honest Choose integrity
Take Responsibility for Yourself WHY? Because there are consequences to each choice we make You are what you choose to be!!
Contribute to Others Success Look for opportunities to contribute to the success of others If a co-worker needs help and you have the skills…be a “team player”. What will it get you? You’ll get noticed, appreciated, maybe even promoted. And you’ll definitely get help when you need it! You’ll get noticed, appreciated, maybe even promoted. And you’ll definitely get help when you need it!
Put Customers First Everyone has a customer Clients who patronize your business Clients who patronize your business Other employees Other employees Your job exists because your customers exist Fail to put your customer’s needs before your own and they may go elsewhere
Be a “team player” Work is a team “sport” Each member of the team has a role Each role has responsibilities Together you work as a team to accomplish a common goal
Follow the Rules Rules typically exist for a good reason Employees are responsible for knowing and abiding by ALL of the rules If you think a rule is stupid… Try to get it changed BUT never ignore it!
Work the hours You’re Paid For Just like paying your car mechanic for an hours worth of labor…You expect your car to get the full hour – right? Expecting people to actually work the hours they are paid for is very reasonable and fair. Arrive early and start on time Don’t “shut down” before your shift is over
Exceed Expectations For guaranteed job success… Know what’s expected of you Exceed those expectations Look for every opportunity to go the extra mile. That’s how you become extra special… and extra successful.
Keep Your Commitments TTTTrustworthy, dependable, reliable DDDDo these words describe you? DDDDo what you say you will. Your reputation is at stake and a good reputation depends on it!
Get with Change Change…its inevitable…for all of us. But change is frustrating so how do you deal with it effectively? Get over it Accept it Deal with it even Appreciate it! Your job is to do whatever the organization needs done. If that involves change, so be it!
Be Considerate of Others The workplace is a shared environment Everyone has the same rights as everyone else Your not the only person in the world… So don’t act like it!
Don’t spread negativity Gossip and Whining Talking behind others back is a petty, negative and counterproductive behavior that degrades others and YOU. And it accomplishes nothing! Got a problem with someone? Talk with him or her in a respectful manner and ask for the other person’s cooperation in correcting whatever is bugging you.
Give and Earn Respect Treat everyone with dignity, courtesy and equality Appreciate “different” backgrounds, cultures and ideas Talk with people – not at them or about them. We all deserve it
Be Patient Be understanding Not everyone will be as smart as you Or really know what they need Or be as talented as you Or communicate as well as you Or understand what you have to go through… And some of your co-workers will be better at all of the above than you
Be Patient So how do you deal with these facts of business life? Cut others – including yourself – a little slack Avoid responsive behaviors that make people (including yourself) feel bad, inadequate or just plain stupid
Be Appreciative Successful people tend to be grateful people What should you appreciate? The fact you have a job Development opportunities you receive Efforts & contributions of your coworkers Customers who give you business Take stock in the “good stuff”. You’ll wind up feeling better about yourself and others will feel better about you, too!
Think “Safety” You can’t be a success at work unless you’re totally committed to safe work practices Most safety rules are about common sense standards and behaviors Safety rules are there to protect you & your coworkers
Think “Safety” SSSSo, when it comes to safety: KKnow the rules FFollow the rules UUse your head DDon’t take risks or cut corners PProtect yourself, your coworkers & your customers
Think “Health” & Look your Best Rest, exercise & eat right There’s no way you can be your best if you’re tired and hungry Health & Success go hand in hand Make an effort to look your best Take pride in your appearance Be clean & neat Make an effort to look your best & you will feel better about yourself
Keep the Boss informed Keep your boss “in the loop”. Immediately inform your boss of any problems & what you are doing to take care of it Working late, need help on a project, or big project almost done? Let the boss know. Not sure what your boss wants to know – ASK!!
Perform with Ethics & Integrity Be proud of yourself Earn the respect of others Be a “team player” “Do the Right thing” Think before you act You are the one whose name is attached to everything you do.
Start Right…. Stay Right Care about your organization. But more importantly, care about yourself.