NFP/Eionet meeting, October 2014, EEA PAN NFP/Eionet coordination European Environment Agency (EEA) Key points and actions Bratislava, Slovakia, 23 October 2014
Session 1 - Opening and progress reporting 1. EEA to consult with NFPs regarding preferable number of webinars between NFP/Eionet meetings. Deadline for comments: 10 November EEA (Bert Jansen in lead) to investigate whether there are any technical reasons preventing some NFPs from participating in webinars. Deadline: 10 November EEA to uploading results of the NFP/Eionet pilot webinar survey on Eionet portal. Done. eionet-meeting-2014/nfp-webinar cph- time/postmeeting/ _survey-results_export-eionet-forum
Session 2 - Environmental Knowledge Community (EKC) 4. EEA to update NFPs and ETCs on evolving discussion around EKC during next NFP/Eionet meeting (February 2015). 5. NFPs are invited to express interest in participating in proposed working group on priority data flows (PDF) to EEA (Chris Steenmans) by 10 November So far 4 countries expressed their interest: AT, SE, LU, UK. 6. EEA to share draft ToR for planned working group with NFPs for comments by 10 November EEA will inform NFPs on EEA/Eurostat cooperation in water data and statistics (before the next NFP/Eionet meeting in February 2015). 8. In case that NFP disagrees with the proposed amount of 9 data flows as basis for the next Eionet Priority Data Flows rreport , NFP to provide in writing comments to EEA – Chris Steenmans. Deadline by 10 November 2014.
Session 3 - Eionet development 9. EEA, and the E3I working group (NFP NL in lead), to identify pilot areas to be addressed by E3I. Deadline until the end of December EEA together with ETCs, to provide summary reports from NRC meetings (ongoing). 11. EEA to consider organizing webinars following publication of specific EEA technical reports on request (ongoing).
Session 4 - SOER 2015 (1) 12. Eionet (NFPs/country authors) to add country perspectives to cross-country comparisons, as applicable, between 1 st November and 31 December remaining countries to finalise country fiches before 7 November. All countries to ensure that content of country fiches is endorsed for publishing on SOER 2015 web site by respective Management Board member by the end of the year. EEA to prepare the instructions and make briefings available by the end of November. 14. NFPs in cooperation with NRC SOE to ensure that the latest SOE report is uploaded in SERIS by end of November NFPs to ensure that Country briefing clearly states the name of the country author/contact person for briefings by end of the year 2014.
Session 4 - SOER 2015 (2) 16. Countries are invited to support SOER 2015 outreach activities by organising country-level engagement, together with EEA SOER outreach team (ongoing). 17. EEA to provide NFPs with clear guidance by end of 2014 on developing SOER 2015 schedule for November 2014 to March Countries to contribute by specifying concrete dates for national SOER 2015 events. 18. EEA to provide NFPs with note of the GEO-6 meeting by end November 2014.
Session 5 - Eionet involvement (1) 19. EEA to share with NFPs updated version of the Code of conduct. Final version to be jointly agreed by NFPs and EEA before the end of NFP UK volunteered to take a coordination role for NFP/Eionet WG 2013/2014 task WP5.4 - ABC. 21. NFPs in cooperation with EEA to prepare a note for the MB meeting in March 2015 to present achieved results of the NFP/Eionet working group 2013/2014 (deadline end of 2014). 22. EEA to re-establish the „Advisory board/NFP Working group on Eionet Forum developments established in 2012 (point 8)“. Deadline: before the finalisation of the NFP/Eionet WG tasks.point 8
Session 5 - Eionet involvement (2) 23. EEA to ensure standing point on agenda of first NFP/Eionet meeting every year on training and coaching topic (ongoing). 24. EEA to share with NFPs clear guidance on the procedure and deadline for implementation of the new NRC structure by 10 November EEA to provide to NFPs an update of the Eionet helpdesk guidelines before the end of 2014.