Kindergarten Curriculum Night Holy Trinity Elementary
Curriculum Night Welcome! / Bienvenue! What we will be covering tonight… Routines Expectations Homework
The Kindergarten Experience Creating a love of learning Helping children become more effective problem solvers, observers, listeners, speakers, and thinkers in a language rich environment Helping children gain increasing independence through exploring, questioning, and understanding Providing for a balance of child-centred and teacher-directed experiences
The Kindergarten Experience Providing for meaningful and appropriate curriculum connections Facilitating the development of the skills and concepts necessary to experience success Supporting the development of a positive self-concept Supporting the involvement of parents
Daily Routines Free Play/Choice Centres/Directed Activity Daily Message (Shared reading/review of concepts) Calendar (Math) Leader Activities –Counting/Graphing, letter recognition, sharing news
Daily Routines Letter of the week: Starting in November – Show and tell – Letter sound – Printing review Language Arts – Storytime – Shared reading and Writing – Phonological awareness
Daily Routines Large Group Activities (Theme Related) – Science – Health – Religion – Math – Art – Social Studies (For Outcomes see the Department of Education website)
Daily Routines Learning Centres – Small group – Hands on activities in all subject areas – Computer activities Gym/Music -2 times each during the 7 day cycle
Activities Buddy Reading ArtsSmarts Program Parent Volunteers always welcome to help out in the school and for field trip activities
Snacks Bring one or two snack items/ make the choice at home – not at school Easy open, nutritious, include spoons when needed Use recyclable juice bottles – garbage free snack! Put snack in a reusable ziplock bag so we can see if there is a spill
Reminders Please bring in extra clothes if you haven’t already Bring in school supplies Donations of tissues/wipes/hand sanitizer is always appreciated!
Reminders Drop off/ Pick-Up: AM: Students are allowed in at 8:20am and must wait in the cafeteria 8:35 am they will be allowed to go to their classroom –Class will start at 8:50 am Dismissal at 11:30 am
Reminders Drop off/ Pick-Up: PM: Students are allowed in at 12:15pm and class will start at 12:20pm Dismissal at 2:55pm Parents need to wait in the porch Please encourage your child to be independent in preparing to start their day and to go home
The School Code of Conduct The 3 B’s: – Be Safe – Be Respectful – Be Responsible 1, 2, 3 Magic Tokens
Other Birthday Invitations – Either all boys or girls, or whole class Toys and jewelry – Easily lost: please don’t allow children to bring them to school Emergency Closure – Please pick up childern if possible
French Immersion Goals To develop students’ abilities to comprehend and speak French To foster students’ confidence in their ability to use French To develop literacy skills in French To develop an appreciation of the French Language and Cultural Diversity
French Immersion Goals The K FI Program is very similar to the English program with regards to the content but language of instruction is in French Major difference is at the language level, children learn new vocabulary, new letter names, letter sounds…
French Immersion Students will be immersed in… – Songs – Everyday language (Routines) – Stories – Videos – Drama – Activities All in their second language. They will learn the language through these usages. The rate of student’s production of the new language will vary.
Homework Our homework is intended to supplement our in-class work Set up a homework routine (i.e 10 minutes a night) Give your child a quiet area to complete their work with little distraction
Homework Homework activities will include: Home reading Sight word practice Printing Math work Phonemic awareness practice
Homework We also recognize the importance of reading and suggest nightly reading to foster literacy and other language skills The children will enjoy sharing their library book with their family and friends
Homework/Les Devoirs
How to follow our class calendar…
Don’t hesitate to contact me should you have any questions, comments or concerns. Thank you for coming!