United States Home Front Many factories converted to war time products Chrysler plant in Detroit produced Sherman Tanks Women took over many of the factory jobs while men were fighting over seas U.S. would see a shortage of consumer goods American’s forced to ration
Women Working in Factories
Government Propaganda
Negative Propaganda Japanese Americans were seen as the enemy Feb. 19, 1942 Roosevelt issued an order calling for the internment of Japanese Americans By March the military began rounding up citizens and placing them in camps
Japanese Internment Camps Camps were positioned away from the coast line Idea was to prevent “enemy aliens” from assisting a Japanese invasion 2/3 of these Nisei (native born Americans citizens) Many volunteered for military service
Allies Plan Attack on Europe Allies begin to plan an invasion of France By June of 1944 the Allied forces were ready for an attack Eisenhower planed a strike on Normandy Germans knew an attack was on its way But didn’t know where
D-Day Invasion To keep Hitler guessing, Allies set up a dummy army Give the idea of an attack at Calais, France Invasion was the largest land and sea attack in history British, Canadian, American, French troops landed on a stretch of 60 mile beach 2,700 Americans die Allies take the beachheads
D-Day Invasion