R&D for Muon Trigger Upgrade Naohito Saito (Kyoto/RIKEN/RBRC)
Needs of Muon Trigger Upgrades MB rate at 500 GeV design luminosity: 12 MHz –Lmax=2E32cm-2s-1 –Total interaction xs at 500 GeV = 60 mb –(BBC LL-1 rate ~ 4 MHz (~20 mb) Maximum band width to be allocated for Muon ~ 2 kHz : Required rejection power (2000 compared to BBC LL-1) –DCM 5 kHz –Event Builder 2-3 kHz –Archive rate 100 MB/sec = 2 kHz (cf. 50 kB/evt) Rejection Power with Current MuID LVL-1 –300 (compared to BBC LL-1) with 200 GeV Real Data –30 kHz + 20 kHz was seen (simulation 1995) : RP = 240 Need Additional RP of ~10 or Total Rejection of 6000 (compared to total xs)
Additional Requirements Newly proposed hardware should improve –Pattern recognition in high multiplicity environment Current status ??? –Rejection of BG from/not from collisions Pointing capability to Vertex Arrival time difference
Modified ASD for ATLAS TGC Amplifier Shaper Discriminator (bi-polar) –Pre-amp: 0.8mV/fC –Input Impedance of 370 –Integration time 80 ns –ENC: 2,000 electron (300pF) –Additional x8 in the main amp –Power Consumption : 57mV/ch –+/- 3V –Radiation hard >100Gy (10KRad) >1e12 neutron 100fC-500fC input
Possible Options MuTr Cathode Only –2-point version 1 st and 3 rd station: RF = 3000 –3-point version 1 st, 2 nd and 3 rd st: RF = MuTr Cathode from St-3 (and St-2) and Segmented RPC ( and ) instead of St-1 –Similar RF and better timing discrimination Possible to have -dependent LUT (BdL depends on ) – Helps pattern recognition
R&D Issues – MuTr cathode Evaluation of ASD to replace CPA –Precision of analog read-out Linearity (charge range ~ 800fC; typical 200 fC) Optimal integration time Noise ratio < 1% Response to various capacitance 10pF-250pF –ENC ~ 2000 after preamp (at 300 pF) Optimization of Algorithm to maximize RF and Charm/Bottom signal
Possible Schedule of MuTr FEE Upgrade subject to budget availability R&D of New FEE started –Basic confirmation of S/N performance (<1%) In Run-6, the 1 st Prototype to be tested in situ Mass production and installation would take two-years… –QA procedure –Installation plan Ready for Run-8
Cost Estimate In Progress… FEE –About 9,000 channels 900K if $100/channel Include Back Plane modification? LL-1 Part –EDIA largely done (Generic LL-1 board)