Metsäjänis, The mountain hare, Lepus Timidus grows to a length of 45–65 cm (18–26 in), with a tail of 4–8 cm (1.6–3.1 in), and a mass of 2– 5.3 kg (4.4–11.7 lb), females being slightly heavier than males White in the winter, with black eartips Brown in the summer, with some white on the belly side 3-15 cubs, in 1-3 different broods About 2 broods per year Cubd can look after themselves at the age of two weeks
Distribution: isolated populations in the Alps,Ireland, Scotland, the Baltics, northeastern Poland and Hokkaidō.AlpsIrelandScotlandBalticsPolandHokkaidō Nutrition : varies from region to region. In Finland, they eat leaves and bark in the winter and leaves, twigs and grass in the summer. The mountain hare can spread its toes to make its feet like snow shoes, so it can walk in the snow without sinking.