U nited N ations E ducational S cientific and C ultural O rganization Video (Which places shown in the video did you recognize? What did they all have in common? Video Website Website
“World Heritage is the designation for places on Earth that are of outstanding universal value to humanity and as such, have been inscribed on the World Heritage List to be protected for future generations to appreciate and enjoy”. ( Using the quote above, explain in your own words what world heritage means.
“A site goes through a nomination process before being considered for inscription by the World Heritage Committee. A site can be proposed for inscription only by the country in which the property is located”. ( nomination process Using the quote above for help, explain how a site becomes a heritage site in your own words.
Criteria According to the UNESCO website, there is a list of ten criteria that a site must meet in order to be nominated as a heritage site. In your own words, explain why you think it is so difficult to become a heritage site protected by UNESCO.
1. What are heritage sites? 2. Are all heritage sites man-made? Are they all natural? Can they be both? Explain. 3. Why are heritage sites important? 4. Who should decide what places become heritage sites? 5. How should heritage sites be protected? 6. Why is it important to protect world heritage sites?