1975.6.4 Angelina Jolie 173cm Julie 6 months Her Father: movie king 14 years old Professional model 16 years old NYU In 1993 She became an actress SUPER.


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Presentation transcript:

Angelina Jolie 173cm

Julie 6 months Her Father: movie king 14 years old Professional model 16 years old NYU In 1993 She became an actress SUPER MOVIE STAR(Tomb Raider ) (poor) In 2009 Oscar-winning actress

THE SECOND CAREER CHARITY sierra leone (塞拉利昂) cambodia (柬埔寨) pakistan (巴基斯坦) namibia (纳米比亚) Thailand (泰国) Ecuador (厄瓜多尔) Kenya (肯尼亚) Kosovo (科索沃) United republic of tanzania (坦桑尼亚) Sri lanka( 斯里兰卡) Russian Federation (俄罗斯) Jordan (约旦) Egypt (埃及) Arizona.Usa (美国亚里桑拉州) Chad (乍得) Thailand (泰国) Sudan (苏丹) Lebanon (黎巴嫩)

Pakistan (巴基斯坦) Pakistan( 巴基斯坦) India (印度) Costa rica (哥斯达黎加) Chad (乍得) iraq and syria (伊拉克和叙利亚) Pakistan( 巴基斯坦) Thailand (泰国,但是是探访泰国境内的缅甸难民营) iraq (第三次出访伊拉克) Kenya( 出访肯亚 —— 索马里边境的难民营) Jordan (约旦) Haiti (海地) Bosnia (波斯尼亚) Ecuator (厄瓜多尔 )

2002 church world service immigration and refugee program humanitarian award 2003 united nations correspondents association-----citizen of the world award 2005 UNA-USA-global humanitarian award 2007 EDA female focus awared-awared for humanitarian activism 2007 international rescue committee- freedom award AWARD

SIX CHILDREN 【 1 】 son: Maddox Chivan Cambodia 【 2 】 Son: Pex Thien Viet Nam 【 3 】 Daughter: Zahara Marley Ethiopia 【 4 】 Daughter:Shilon Nouvel 【 5 】 Son: Knox Leon 【 6 】 Daughter: Vivienne Marcheline

HER WAY OF SUCCESS Endure loneliness Quickly adapt to a new environment Cool Love her career Contribute herself to charity

I do not need to live to as a false man toplease the spectators