Inception Report: 21st March, 2012 Meeting Agenda
ASEAN – Australia Development Cooperation Program (AADCP) Phase II Feasibility Study for the Establishment of a Regional Secretariat for ASEAN Tourism Professionals Inception Meeting Presented by Wayne Crosbie Scott Eccleston William Angliss Institute 21st March 2012 The views expressed in this report are those of the authors, and not necessarily those of the ASEAN Secretariat and/or the Australian Government.
Project Needs and Objectives Inception Report: 21st March, 2012 Project Needs and Objectives The project aims to; Conduct a feasibility study to assess the need for the establishment of a Secretariat and To determine whether the use of a Secretariat is the best option to support and respond to the challenges inherent in the implementation of the Mutual Recognition Arrangement (MRA) on Tourism Professionals.
Structure of Draft Inception Report Inception Report: 21st March, 2012 Structure of Draft Inception Report Project Objectives Project Scope Project Key Issues Project Team Action Plan (incorporates changes to Inception Report based on feedback from ATPMC representatives) Project Deliverables.
Project Objectives This Project will: Inception Report: 21st March, 2012 Project Objectives This Project will: Produce & present an Inception Report for review by ATMPC Analyse existing, relevant AMS needs, requirements and views Conduct AMS regional consultation workshops and field study to review & obtain feedback from appropriate and relevant AMS stakeholders Conduct AMS regional consultation workshops and field study in 2 stages between April and June 2012.
Inception Report: 21st March, 2012 Project Objectives That the outcomes of the Regional Workshops and other field study interviews and research process will be the basis to the feasibility study and recommendations are founded on Prepare the Interim Report for feedback & approval and modify based on recommendations from AMS Prepare & submit Project Completion Report.
Inception Report: 21st March, 2012 Project Scope Identification of the strengths and needs of relevant tourism training institutions in relation to MRA implementation Identification of the threats and opportunities facing ATPMC and relevant tourism training institutions in relation to MRA implementation The necessity to link industry, which requires skilled Tourism Professionals, with appropriately qualified and experienced personnel.
Inception Report: 21st March, 2012 Project Scope Identification of how the Regional Secretariat will operate in terms of processes and mechanisms Identification of how the Regional Secretariat will position itself to support the work of the ASEAN Tourism Professional Monitoring Committee (ATPMC) Specification of the nature and value of recommended resources required from stakeholders for a Regional Secretariat to operate effectively.
Inception Report: 21st March, 2012 Project Scope Determination of a work model for the Regional Secretariat to include: Vision Mission Objectives Roles and responsibilities Linkages Work mechanisms and processes Resource requirements Self-sustaining funding scheme.
Inception Report: 21st March, 2012 Project Scope Identification of specific requirements from identified stakeholders to establish and operate the Regional Secretariat Identification of the risks and assumptions underlying establishment of a Regional Secretariat and recommendations on how to address those risks and assumptions Desktop research activities In-country research using Field Study trips to each of the 10 AMS.
Inception Report: 21st March, 2012 Project Scope Reporting on progress of the Project, specifically in terms of producing: An Inception Report, detailing the overall Project methodology An Interim Report, following desktop and in-country research A Workshop Report, following conduct of a Regional Workshop A Draft Final Report, presenting and analysing the results of the Feasibility Study A Final Report, incorporating feedback and comments from circulation of the Draft Final Report.
Inception Report: 21st March, 2012 Key Issues The critical need to include, and engage with, regional stakeholders in discussions and confirmation from ATPMC with who and where? Ensure the process and outcomes reflects the individual and regional stakeholder needs and wants allied to MRA implementation The need to provide justifiable evidence as to whether or not a Regional Secretariat is the best option as a vehicle to manage and monitor the facilitation of tourism professionals within the region under the MRA
Inception Report: 21st March, 2012 Key Issues Documentation of relevant stakeholder strengths, threats facing them and opportunities open to them as a result of the MRA, CATC and RQFSRS Operation, implementation and administration model of the ASEAN Tourism Professional Registration System (ATPRS) Support for the work of the ASEAN Tourism Professional Monitoring Committee (ATPMC), National Tourism Professional Boards (NTPBs) and Tourism Professional Certification Boards (TPCBs)
Inception Report: 21st March, 2012 Key Issues The need to identify and analyse an existing and effective body or structure similar to the proposed Regional Secretariat in order to discover protocols suitable for this Project The need to promote to stakeholders (Governments, industry, training institutions, practitioners and industry agencies, bodies, groups and boards) plans for the development of a body to manage and monitor implementation of the MRA.
Inception Report: 21st March, 2012 Key Issues The need to gain support from stakeholders for the emerging structure identified by the Feasibility Study in practical terms including ongoing financial and operational support – effectively the sustainability for the project! The need to complete the Project on time, providing all identified Deliverables and complying with all Reporting requirements.
Project Team Project Director – Wayne Crosbie Inception Report: 21st March, 2012 Project Team Project Director – Wayne Crosbie Project Manager – Scott Eccleston Chief Writer – Alan Hickman Project Research Manager – Alana Harris ASEAN Consultant – Ida Trisnasari Desktop Production Coordinator – Daniel Chee Project Logistics Coordinator – Carmell Casey
Action Plan Produce & Present an Inception Report – March 2012. Inception Report: 21st March, 2012 Action Plan Produce & Present an Inception Report – March 2012. To conduct AMS regional consultation workshops and field study to review & obtain feedback and other appropriate and relevant AMS stakeholder views is to be carried out in 2 parts.
Action Plan Part 1 – April/May 2012 conduct 5 AMS Workshops (15 Days) Inception Report: March, 2012 Action Plan Part 1 – April/May 2012 conduct 5 AMS Workshops (15 Days) Brunei Singapore Indonesia Malaysia Philippines
Action Plan Part 2 – May/June 2012 conduct 5 AMS Workshops (15 Days) Inception Report: March, 2012 Action Plan Part 2 – May/June 2012 conduct 5 AMS Workshops (15 Days) Myanmar Thailand Laos PDR Cambodia Viet Nam
Action Plan Stakeholders Consultation Tourism Ministry/ Departments 20 Inception Report: March, 2012 Action Plan Stakeholders Consultation Tourism Ministry/ Departments NGO’s Tourism Boards Industry Peak Bodies Relevant Industry Associations Hotels Associations Tourism / Travel Agents Association (Continued)
Action Plan Consultation of ASEAN Centers 21 Inception Report: March, 2012 Action Plan Consultation of ASEAN Centers E.g. ASEAN Centre for Energy ASEAN Foundation ASEAN Center for Biodiversity ASEAN Humanitarian Assistance Center Engagement of regional forums E.g. The European Union of Tourist Officers European Travel Commission and The Mekong Tourism Coordinating Office. Our plan would be to visit and discuss with each of the Centre’s identified and learn from their experiences - both successes and challenges. We also anticipate researching and engaging with other Tourism regional forums like; The European Union of Tourist Officers (EUTO), European Travel Commission and The Mekong Tourism Coordinating Office (MTCO)
Action Plan Prepare & Submit Project Monthly Reports: Inception Report: March, 2012 Action Plan Prepare & Submit Project Monthly Reports: Summary of work done Discussion of issues arising Prepare & Submit Project Completion Report: Target date for Final report: June 2012.
Inception Report: March, 2012 Project Deliverable For the ATPMC to make an informed decision on the establishment of a Secretariat in consultation with AMS on the best option to support and respond to the challenges inherent in the implementation of the Mutual Recognition Arrangement (MRA) on Tourism Professionals.
End of Inception Report Meeting